
????泰坦隕落 ????? 發行方:電子藝界、Respawn Entertainment ????? 平臺:Xbox One、Xbox 360、PC ????? 價格:60美元 ????? 發行日期:2014年3月11日 ????Respawn Entertainment公司是由Infinity Ward公司的幾位前高管創立的,后者則是美國動視經典之作《使命的召喚》系列( Call of Duty )的開發者。此次Respawn聯手電子藝界( Electronic Arts ),立志要通過這款游戲將射擊體驗推向新的高度。《泰坦隕落》(Titanfall )徹底取消了任務模式,因為Respawn公司注意到大多數游戲玩家選擇忽略單人模式,直接進入多人戰。 ????這款游戲為玩家奉上的是一種經過優化的多人游戲體驗,它整合了當前多個熱門射擊游戲的最佳元素,而且把它們整合到一個真正原創的戰場上。玩家可以作為駕駛員操縱巨大的機甲(也叫“泰坦”)投入戰斗。另外,游戲不僅支持駕駛員的肉身進行戰斗,駕駛員還可以通過背負的火箭噴射包進行短距離跳躍和飛行,與泰坦展開纏斗。有了多種多樣的戰斗模式,像天使之城這樣的多人對戰地圖對于玩家來說就會一直充滿新的挑戰。另外Respawn公司還為多人模式添加了一些任務腳本,可以營造出好萊塢大片式的、令人腎上腺素飆升的激戰場景。總的來說,《泰坦隕落》是一款很有樂趣的游戲。它上手不難,而且由于制造公司不斷推出新地圖和新內容供玩家下載,因此就算重復玩起來依舊有無窮的樂趣。 |
????Titanfall ????? Studio: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment ????? Consoles: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC ????? Price: $60 ????? Release date: March 11, 2014 ????Respawn Entertainment was founded by the ex-heads of Infinity Ward, creators ofActivision's (ATVI) Call of Duty franchise. Now aligned with Electronic Arts (EA), the development studio hopes to push the shooter genre forward with this new franchise. Titanfall does away with the campaign mode altogether, given that Respawn noticed most gamers ignore single-player and jumped into multiplayer. ????What's in store for gamers is a streamlined multiplayer experience that takes the best elements of various shooter franchises out there and wraps them into a truly original battlefield. Players can take control of giant hulking mechs, called Titans, which are controlled by agile pilots. This opens up combat that includes on-foot and short-distance jetpack fighting with pilots, while Titans are battling it on a much larger scale. With such varying styles of gameplay, multiplayer maps like Angel City are always fresh with new challenges. Respawn has also added scripted events to the multiplayer, creating Hollywood-style, tentpole moments to the frenetic action. At the end of the day, Titanfall is just fun to play. It has a low learning curve and endless replay value, thanks to a steady flow of new maps and downloadable content. |