????合金裝備V:原爆點 ????? 制作方:科樂美數碼娛樂、小島工作室 ????? 平臺:Xbox One、PS4、Xbox 360、PS3、PC ????? 價格:60美元 ????? 發行日期:2014年 ????感謝游戲總監小島秀夫的操刀,玩家們一定會從這款游戲中獲得雙倍的快感。小島工作室(Kojima Productions)首先將于2014年春推出一部價格為30美元的《合金裝備:原爆點》(Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes),來為稍后推出的完整巨制《合金裝備V:幻痛》(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)搭臺。這兩款游戲將運行全新的Fox游戲引擎技術,為玩家帶來開放世界的游戲設置。 ????另外,這也是美劇《24小時》的主演基弗?薩瑟蘭首次為斯內克這一角色獻聲。不管玩家是在進行秘密潛入,還是開火強攻,玩家現在可以完全自己決定怎樣完成任務。《原爆點》走的是一個主線故事模式,最終會把情節引入《幻痛》的設置中。同時,《原爆點》也有一些支線任務,包括戰術行動、空中打擊以及秘密任務等。《幻痛》的背景設置在1984年,當時主角斯內克剛剛從長達九年的昏迷中被喚醒,一只手還成了假手,而且敵方士兵已經滲透進了他所在的醫院,斯內克必須找出要害他的人。這款游戲的開放世界設置也包括很多場發生在阿富汗的戰斗,因此有望為這款原本已經非常流行的游戲帶來更多的新玩家。預計這兩款游戲都可能躋身銷量榜的前列。 |
????Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes ????? Studio: Konami Digital Entertainment, Kojima Productions ????? Consoles: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC ????? Price: $60 ????? Release date: 2014 ????Gamers are in for a double-dose of Solid Snake from game director HideKojima. Developer Kojima Productions is first serving up a $30 Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes game in spring 2014 that will set the stage for the full-scale Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain game. This pair of games, running on brand new Fox Engine game technology, introduces open world gameplay to the bestselling Konami franchise. ????It's also the first time Kiefer Sutherland steps into the role of Solid Snake. Whether they employ stealth or run-and-gun tactics, it's now completely up to players how they want to accomplish missions in these huge interactive playgrounds. Ground Zeroes boasts a central story mode that will lead into the events of The Phantom Pain, while delivering Side Ops missions ranging from tactical action, aerial assaults, and covert missions. The Phantom Painis set in 1984, after Snake has awakened from a nine-year coma with a prosthetic hand and enemy soldiers infiltrating the hospital he's in. The game's story sends the newly dubbed Punished Snake on a mission to find out who sabotaged him. The open world setting, which features plenty of combat in Afghanistan, should open up this already popular game to an even bigger audience. Look for both Snake titles to rise to the top of the sales charts. |