????權力的游戲 ????? 發行方:Telltale Games ????? 平臺:Xbox 360、PS3、PC、Mac、移動平臺 ????? 價格:待定 ????? 發行日期:2014年 ????試水改編好萊塢大片《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park )、《回到未來》(Back to the Future)的游戲版本后,Telltale Games公司又改編了廣受好評的獲獎作品《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)。不過要《行尸走肉》系列游戲(第二季正在研發中)并不是根據AMC電視臺的熱播美劇改編的,而是根據羅伯特?柯克曼的原創漫畫改編的。 ????《行尸走肉》于2012年獲得多達90項年度游戲大獎后,這家公司又把相同的策略復制到了《權力的游戲》上。這家游戲公司正在與HBO電視臺合作,共同改編這部知名作家喬治?R?R?馬丁的暢銷幻想小說《冰與火之歌》的第七部。雖然目前關于這部游戲,制作方透露的內容并不多,但是預計玩家會在游戲中探索維斯特洛大陸,同時游戲也將還原七大家族爭奪王座以及七國相爭的故事。Telltale公司出品的游戲有一個共同的特點,那就是角色之間的人際關系,以及玩家要在游戲中做出的一些艱難的決擇,而《權力的游戲》正是這種游戲設置的完美載體。另外,Telltale改編的這款游戲應該也會與目前在Facebook平臺上可以免費玩到的《權力的游戲:崛起》(由游戲開發商Disruptor Beam改編的社交游戲,同樣也獲得了HBO的授權)有著相當不同的體驗。 |
????Game of Thrones ????? Studio: Telltale Games ????? Consoles: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Mac, Mobile ????? Price: TBD ????? Release date: 2014 ????After experimenting with older Hollywood licenses like Jurassic Park and Back to the Future,Telltale Games delivered the critically acclaimed and award-winning The Walking Dead episodic interactive adventure. The Walking Dead games (a second season is in development) are based on Robert Kirkman's original comics, rather than the hit AMC TV show. ????Now the game developer is taking the same approach that saw The Walking Dead earn 90 Game of the Year awards in 2012 and apply it to Game of Thrones. The game makers are working with HBO to deliver an episodic adventure that follows George R.R. Martin's bestselling fantasy book series. While not much has been revealed about this just-announced game, it's expected to deliver virtual seasons of interactivity as players explore Westeros and the seven noble families vying for control of the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. A key focus for Telltale's games are the interpersonal relationships among characters and the hard decisions that need to be made. Game of Thrones is the perfect vehicle for this type of gameplay. And Telltale should deliver a much different experience than the free-to-play Game of Thrones Ascent Facebook game that's currently available from developer Disruptor Beam (and also licensed through HBO). |