


Stephen Gandel 2014-01-02

????索尼 vs. 微軟

????索尼與微軟(Microsoft)在2013年的磕磕碰碰是不可避免的。兩家公司分別推出了各自的最新視頻游戲系統——PlayStations 4和Xbox One。然而,隨著新游戲終端發布的臨近,雙方的口水戰也是愈演愈烈,超出了人們的想象。八月,索尼娛樂部主管諷刺微軟不斷調整對于新Xbox的定位。而微軟工作室(Microsoft Studio)的負責人反駁稱,微軟善于傾聽消費者的意見,這才是進行調整的原因。索尼卻表示,微軟的妥協是一個明顯的信號,表明它針對新游戲終端所采取的策略遭遇了挫折。誰是最終勝利者?有報告稱PlayStation 4的銷量超過Xbox,但真實情況并不明確。兩款產品都是圣誕節的搶手貨。雙方的口水戰仍在繼續。

????Sony vs. Microsoft

????There were bound to be some elbows thrown between Sony (SNE) and Microsoft(MSFT, Fortune 500) in 2013. Both companies were set to release their new video game systems -- PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But as the consoles neared release, the war of words got more heated than many thought it would. In August, Sony's head of entertainment called Microsoft out for constantly shifting its message on what the new Xbox would be. Microsoft Studio's boss countered that Microsoft was a company that listened to consumers, and that's why changes had been made. Sony countered that Microsoft's retreat was clearly a sign that its strategy for its new console was rebuffed. Who won? There were reports that PlayStation 4 was outselling Xbox, but it's hard to tell. Both systems were two of the hardest to get items for Christmas shoppers. The battle goes on.


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