JP Mangalindan
斯諾登泄露國安局檔案 曾任美國國家安全局(NSA)技術承包人的斯諾登已經成了21世紀最有爭議的公眾人物之一,他向媒體泄露了近20萬份機密文件,美國政府的一些不為人知的情報項目也由此大白于天下【比如秘密收集雅虎(Yahoo )和谷歌(Google )等科技公司的用戶數據】,引起了全世界的關注和指責。 |
Edward Snowden leaks National Security Agency documents Snowden, an NSA intelligence contractor, became one of the most controversial public figures of the 21st century when he leaked up to 200,000 classified documents to the press. In doing so, he helped reveal several previously unknown U.S. surveillance programs that garnered global attention and criticism, included the secret collection of user data from companies like Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) and Google (GOOG, Fortune 500). |