Andrew Nusca
????雞蛋提醒器,69美元 ????這是眾包網站Quirky和工業巨頭通用電氣公司(GE)合作的結晶。它通過和移動設備無線連接,能追蹤用戶家里雞蛋的數量,同時及時通報它們什么時候會變質。托盤上的LED燈會告訴你哪個蛋時間放得最久。一旦蛋的存量減少,它還會在手機上推送通知。《財富》雜志資深作者杰茜?亨佩爾說:“我準備買一個。”??? |
????Egg Minder, $69 ????This collaboration between the crowdsourcing website Quirky and industrial giant GE(GE, Fortune 500) wirelessly connects to your mobile device to track the number of eggs you have and tell you when they're going bad. LED lights in the tray tell you which egg is the oldest, and push notifications notify you when you're running low. "Gotta get it,"Fortune senior writer Jessi Hempel says. |