????高盛公司(Goldman Sachs)在最新的報告中指出:“莫倫科普夫先生在高通工作多年,與雅各布博士也搭檔過相當長的時間。我們相信高通的公司戰略和執行力都能保持穩定和延續。更難能可貴的是,莫倫科普夫先生在投資者和股東中享有盛譽,在高通員工和整個業界的口碑也相當高。”
????高通現任首席執行官雅各布稱,莫倫科普夫頗有些黑色幽默感。莫倫科普夫本人也自稱是“手機狂人”。他最近接受《財富》采訪時曾經表示:“我們是一家完全以工程師為導向的公司。所有的高管都是技術狂人,公司里隨處可見科技極客。保羅是手機狂人,我自己也是手機狂人。” ????莫倫科普夫稱,他內心沒怎么掙扎就決定了留在高通。假如去微軟任職,他的知名度可能將大大提升。但是,要帶領微軟這樣的巨頭朝著正確的方向前進,挑戰可能要大得多,他或許將力有不逮。高通每年營收約250億美元,為全球大量的智能手機和平板電腦提供動力,雖然這些手機和平板的普通用戶大都不知道高通。作為即將上任的高通首席執行官,莫倫科普夫不大可能改變這個現狀,雖然他自己的名字在上周已經登上了各大媒體科技版面的頭條。(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航?? |
????"Mr. Mollenkopf is a Qualcomm veteran who has worked closely with Dr. Jacobs in an executive role for many years; we thus expect virtually complete continuity of strategy and execution," said a recent report from Goldman Sachs. "Moreover, Mr. Mollenkopf is well known to investors and other stakeholders in the company, and is highly regarded by employees and the broader industry alike." ????Mollenkopf also has a "wicked" sense of humor, according to current CEO Jacobs. And he's a self-proclaimed gadget freak: "We're a very engineering driven culture," Mollenkopf told Fortune in a recent interview. "All the senior execs are technical, and we're technology lovers. So Paul's a gadget freak, and I'm a gadget freak, I would say." ????According to Mollenkopf, deciding to stay at Qualcomm was an easy choice to make. And while he may have become more of a household name if he'd gone to Microsoft, steering that behemoth toward the right course might have proven a much tougher and insurmountable challenge. Qualcomm rakes in $25 billion each year powering many of the world's smartphones and tablets without most of their owners knowing its name. Its incoming chief executive is unlikely to change that -- even if his name rose to the top of the technology headlines last week. |