


Alex Taylor III 2013-12-12

????而她面臨的最大挑戰是爭取那些殘存的通用汽車保守分子,也就是所謂的“汽車小子”們。他們崇拜的是芭拉的前任鮑勃?盧茲,以及他力排眾議選出的首席執行官接班人馬克?羅伊斯,即北美地區總裁。在通用現在推出的大獲成功的新車型中,羅伊斯也功不可沒,同時也被認為公認為 “炙手可熱的”掌門人。此外,他還是通用汽車前總裁的公子,是通用汽車的太子黨。但他可能太缺乏在歐洲和亞洲的工作經驗,同時因為和通用汽車的舊黨圈子走得太近,也不對阿克森的胃口,所以阿克森才把提名芭拉作為自己繼任者這個機會視為一大歷史性機遇。




????Her biggest challenge is to win over those surviving GM traditionalists, the "car guys" who adored Barra's predecessor Bob Lutz and whose overwhelming choice for CEO was Mark Reuss, president of North American operations. Reuss also had a big hand in the launch of GM's successful new vehicles, was recognized as a certified "hot-shoe" driver, and, as the son of a former GM president, is a member of GM royalty. But he may be too shy of experience in Europe and Asia, and too connected to GM's old-boy network to suit Akerson, who saw the chance to name Barra his successor as an historic opportunity.

????Reuss will get an opportunity to further flex his car guy muscles by moving into Barra's old product development job, but his visibility will be much reduced. The other big winner from the management shuffle that accompanied the Barra announcement is chief financial officer Dan Ammann, a veteran of Wall Street who after less than half a dozen years in the auto business, was effectively handed the job of running international operations as well as the global Chevrolet and Cadillac brands. Vice chairman Steve Girsky takes a long-delayed retirement from day-to-day operations but will continue to generate ideas and suggestions from his seat on the board of directors.

????For Barra, the distractions as the first woman CEO in Detroit -- and the global auto industry in general, by most accounts, will be enormous. She will know she has become successful when people stop referring to her as a "car girl" and just call her "boss."??


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