????時尚探索網站Polyvore的CEO兼聯合創始人、現年31歲的杰西-李既是派對麗人,也是學霸:她擁有斯坦福大學(Stanford University)的計算機科學學士學位,曾任谷歌(Google)產品經理,現在運營著一家網站。她的網站采用類似雜志的展示方式,幫助人們探索和購買時尚、美容和家裝產品。日前,她參加了《財富》雜志(Fortune)的科技頭腦風暴大會,會后我們就工作和娛樂向杰西-李提出了10個問題。 ????1.你最崇拜的商界或科技界人物是哪位?為什么? ????杰夫?貝佐斯,因為他的創新能力。亞馬遜(Amazon)在近20年的時間里一直持續不斷地顛覆其他行業。 ????還有谷歌。我在谷歌工作時學到了很多東西,包括如何打造杰出的企業文化、如何吸引人才,賦予他們改變的力量。 ????2.什么技術領域最讓你興奮? ????社交商業!釋放Polyvore品味圖表的潛能,幫助人們發掘和購買他們真正喜歡的東西,對此我感到興奮。獲得品味數據的唯一途徑是通過品味營造者的社區,而這正是Polyvore所擁有的。 ????3.如果你不做現在的工作,會做什么? ????畫繪圖小說。但可能不會很成功,因此,我很高興,我有現在在Polyvore的工作。 ????4.你最大的成就是什么? ????幫助打造一家公司,擁有熱情的用戶,能干的團隊,而且公司實現了盈利。我們還有很長的路要走,但我也知道,很多公司可能永遠都走不到我們這一步。 ????5.每位領導人都應具備的一項素質是什么? ????頑強。值得做的事情都不容易。 ????6.你如何過上平衡的生活? ????有節制,努力做好幾件事。如果你想一次做太多事情,工作就會擠占你的生活。不如拒絕一些事情,專注于出色完成那些真正重要的事情。 ????7.你最近看的一本書是什么? ????《進擊的巨人》(Attack on Titan)(作者:諫山創)。這是一部講述世界末日后到處都是食人巨人的漫畫書。 ????8.你在學校學到的最重要的東西是什么? ????怎么寫代碼。我在斯坦福大學的團隊編程項目不僅教我懂得了編寫清晰明了的代碼、方便他人理解/維護的重要性,也讓我享受到了經過眾多漫漫長夜工作之后提交成品的喜悅。 ????9.你的第一份工作是什么? ????我在eBay上賣日本動畫版授權畫。有一次,一個人給了我75美元,讓我畫一幅他們被《亂馬?》(Ranma 1/2)漫畫書中最喜歡角色抱在懷中的畫面。非常有意思。 ????10.如果可以擁有一項超能力,你希望是什么? ????心靈遙感。擁有這種超能力之后,人可以在原子層面控制細胞,治好人們的病。大而言之,你可以讓自己漂浮起來,飛翔。(財富中文網) |
????Jess Lee, the 31-year-old CEO and co-founder of fashion discovery site Polyvore, is party natty, part nerd: she has a Bachelors of Science in computer science from Stanford University, is a former product manager at Google, and runs a website that helps people discover and shop for fashion, beauty, and home décor products through magazine-like displays. After she attended the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference, we asked Lee 10 questions about work and play. ????1. What business or technology person do you admire most? Why? ????Jeff Bezos for his ability to innovate. Amazon has been continuously disrupting other industries for almost 20 years. ????Also, Google. When I worked there, I learned a lot about how to build a great culture that attracts smart people and empowers them to make an impact. ????2. What technology sector excites you most? ????Social commerce! I'm really excited to unlock the potential of Polyvore's taste graph to help people discover and shop for things they love. The only way to get taste data is through a social community of tastemakers, which Polyvore has. ????3. What would you do if you weren't working at your current job? ????Draw a graphic novel! But it probably wouldn't be very successful, so I'm glad I have my day job at Polyvore. ????4. What is your greatest achievement? ????Helping to build a company that has passionate users, a talented team, and is profitable. We still have a long way to go, but I also realize many companies never make it this far. ????5. What is one characteristic that every leader should possess? ????Tenacity. Nothing worth doing is easy. ????6. What do you do to live a balanced life? ????By being disciplined about doing a few things well. Work can take over your life if you try to do too many things at once. It's better to say no to some things and focus on excelling at the things that truly matter. ????7. What was the last book you read? ????Attack on Titan [by Hajime Isayama]. It's a manga about a post-apocalyptic world filled with man-eating giants. ????8. What was the most important thing you learned in school? ????How to write code. My group programming projects at Stanford not only taught me the importance of writing good, clean code that others can read/maintain, but also the thrill of shipping a product after many long nights of hard work. ????9. What was your first job? ????I sold anime-style commissioned artwork on eBay. Someone once paid me $75 to draw a picture of them in the arms of their favorite character from the manga Ranma 1/2. That was fun! ????10. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? ????Telekinesis. At the atomic level, you could manipulate cells and heal people. At a larger scale, you could levitate yourself and fly. |