Alex Taylor III

????4.丹妮卡?帕特里克 ????帕特里克是印地500車賽(Indy 500)的第一位冠軍女車手,也是贏得戴通納500車賽(Daytona 500)桿位的首名女車手,是迄今為止最成功的一位女性賽車手。在她新加入的斯普林特杯(Sprint Cup)2013年賽季,她駕駛Go Daddy雪佛蘭8次闖入前20名,但她并不滿意。她說:“我要成為最快的賽車手,不只是最快的女車手。”?????????? |
????4. Danica Patrick ????The most successful woman race car driver ever, Patrick is the first member of her gender to lead the Indy 500 as well as the first to win the pole position at the Daytona 500. In her rookie Sprint Cup season in 2013, driving the Go Daddy Chevrolet, Patrick had eight top 20 finishes but still isn't satisfied. "I was brought up to be the fastest driver, not the fastest girl," she says. |