Alex Taylor III

????10.艾琳娜?福特 ????所在公司:福特汽車職務:全球經銷商及消費者體驗副總裁 ????亨利?福特的玄孫女艾琳娜?福特3月份獲得了一項新工作和新頭銜——福特汽車公司副總裁,成為福特家族第一位達到這個高度的女性成員。此前她曾任全球營銷業務總監,負責整個公司客戶關系的標準化。(財富中文網) |
????10.Elena Ford ????Ford Motor ????Vice president, global dealer and consumer experience. ????Elena, a great-great granddaughter of Henry Ford, got a new job and a new title, corporate vice president, in March, becoming the first female member of her family to reach that level. Formerly director of global marketing operations, she works on standardizing customer relations across the company. |