Alex Taylor III
????2015款寶馬i8 ????明年春天,i8在美國上市后,特斯拉(Tesla)就將迎來勢均力敵的對手。作為一款最富異域情調的寶馬,這輛插電式混動雙座豪華跑車i8擁有碳纖維車身和兩個引擎,其中一個是最大續航里程達到22英里的電動機,另一個是最高限速155英里的三缸汽油引擎。寶馬稱其為“披著跑車外衣的創新力作”。這些最新技術當然代價不菲:售價高達135,700美元。 |
????2015 BMW i8 ????Tesla (TSLA) gets a worthy competitor next spring when the i8 goes on sale in the U.S. The most exotic BMW ever, the plug-in hybrid i8 grand tourer has a carbon-fiber body and two motors, one electric with a 22 mile maximum range, and the other a three-cylinder gasoline one with a restricted top speed of 155 mph. BMW calls it "innovation disguised as a sports car." The price of all this technology naturally does not come cheaply: $135,700. |