Alex Taylor III
????2015款梅賽德斯奔馳GLA ????由于要在美國市場與寶馬打近身遭遇戰,梅賽德斯正在加推新車型應戰。它們多數是車身較小、外形張揚的車型。亮相的頭號車型就是:梅賽德斯首款緊湊型酷越車(可別把它和車身稍大,但更具肌肉感的GLK緊湊型SUV相混淆)。它是梅賽德斯的首批前驅車型之一,將于2014年下半年亮相美國市場。屆時它將擁有先進的空氣動力學性能,雕塑感極強的側面車身,渦輪四缸引擎,價位在3萬美元左右。 |
????2015 Mercedes-Benz GLA ????Locked in a tight U.S. sales battle with BMW, Mercedes is adding models, mostly smaller ones, with more expressive styling. Exhibit No.1: Mercedes's first compact crossover (not to be confused with the slightly larger and beefier GLK compact SUV). One of the first Mercedes with front-wheel drive, it arrives in U.S. showrooms in the second half of 2014 with advanced aerodynamics, sculpted side panels, a turbo four-cylinder engine, and a price tag in the $30,000 neighborhood. |