????經濟衰退期間,一部分消費者推遲了購車計劃。如今他們紛紛解開腰包,汽車銷量因此持續穩步上升。汽車網站Edmunds.com預計,在被抑制需求釋放的推動下,2014年輕型車輛的銷量將達到1640萬輛,比2013年1550萬的預計銷量有所增長。 ????如果銷量真的超過1600萬輛,那將是自2007年以來首次突破這個數字。盡管這個銷量仍遠低于經濟衰退前五年平均1660萬輛的年銷量,但卻表明汽車業正在迎來健康的復蘇。 ????銷量增長并不意味著激烈的競爭有任何放緩的跡象,為此汽車廠商正加倍努力,用它們屢試不爽的辦法來贏得增長:力推新車型。盡管2014款才剛剛推出,但廠商們已根據政府規定把明年1月1日以后推出的車型叫做2015款了。 ????這樣一來,這些車型就算粉墨登場了。誰不想得意洋洋地吹牛,說自己已經買到明年的新款車型了呢?2014年車市可謂機會多多,將有大量新車型高調上市,其中像梅賽德斯奔馳(Mercedes-Benz)、寶馬(BMW)和福特(Ford)將推出搭載全新突破性技術的車型,其他廠商則會紛紛到新興市場淘金。下面就介紹其中幾款亮點車型。 |
????Auto sales continue to cruise along, as buyers who put off purchases during the recession make up for lost time. Edmunds.com forecasts sales of 16.4 million light vehicles in 2014, an increase over the 15.5 million expected in 2013, driven by pent-up demand. ????If sales in fact exceed 16 million, it would be the first time they have passed that number since 2007. While that would still leave them well below the pre-recession five-year average of 16.6 million, it would represent a healthy recovery for the industry. ????Rising sales don't mean any slackening of competitive fires, and automakers are redoubling their efforts to make gains using their tried-and-true methods: unleashing new models. While the 2014 model year has only just gotten underway, manufacturers are entitled by government regulation to classify any vehicle introduced after Jan. 1 as a 2015 model. ????And so they are. Who wouldn't enjoy bragging that he's parked next year's model in his driveway? There will be plenty of opportunities in 2014. The year will see a rush of high-profile new models, some with breakthrough new technology as Mercedes-Benz, BMW,Ford (F, Fortune 500), and others hurry to cash in on the rising market. Here are some of the highlights. |