


Dan Primack 2013-11-13

????時代公司擁有眾多風格迥異的期刊。鑒于印刷版和分銷渠道已經變得不那么重要,讓《風格》( Style)、《財富》(Fortune)和《人物》( People)等雜志繼續留在同一家公司還有沒有具有說服力的商業理由?

????這個問題需要從多個角度來回答。首先,印刷版期刊并沒有死。它依然很重要,印刷版發行量和廣告收入正在不斷增長的例子其實有很多。比如,我們最近購買了美國運通公司( American Express)旗下的多份雜志,從而收獲了一些在它們占據的市場空間非常強勢的品牌。當然,我們正在專注于開拓內容分銷的新渠道,比如網絡、手機和平板電腦等。但我并不認為,印刷版雜志即將壽終正寢。

????其次,我們擁有一批多樣化的雜志,這種優勢使得我們能夠迅速響應擁有不同興趣、職業和嗜好的讀者的需求,從而為特定受眾提供優質服務。然而,這也意味著,我們有機會創造跨越品牌的受眾群體。比如,《財富》雜志擁有最具影響力商界女性會議和相關的特許經營權。我在想,有沒有一種方式把它跟《造型》(In Style)、《人物》和《本質》(Essence)等雜志的5,000萬讀者聯系起來?再比如,《財富》雜志定期在中國舉辦一個峰會,那么美國運通公司的雜志,比如說《旅游與休閑》(Travel & Leisure),可不可以效仿這種做法呢?













????Time Inc. has a diverse group of titles. As print and print distribution become less important, is there a strong business case for keeping In Style, Fortune and People as part of the same company?

????There are multiple answers to that. First, print is not dead. It remains important, and there are examples of publications that are growing in terms of print circulation and advertising. Our recent acquisition of the American Express magazines, for example, gives us some powerful brands in the space that they occupy. Certainly we are focused on new ways to distribute content -- web, mobile, tablet, etc. -- but I don't see an early demise of printed magazines.

????Second, the diversity of magazines we have enables us to serve specific audiences by responding to reader needs, interests, vocations and avocations. That also means, however, that we have opportunities to create audiences that cut across brands. For example, Fortune has these Most Powerful Women conferences and franchise, and I wonder if there is a way to somehow connect that with the 50 million readers of magazines like In Style, People and Essence. Or when Fortune does a conference in China, is there something we could do with those American Express, like Travel & Leisure.

????But, to be careful here, I'm only seven days into this job and am mostly in listening mode. There may be good answers for keeping those things separate and exclusive, but certainly it's an area of exploration.

????Is there a long-term future for long-form journalism at Time Inc?

????Yes, there is certainly room for long form in the digital age. Whether that is primarily in print distributed to certain geographic areas or as an e-book distributed globally or Web-based, there will be long form and we'll be players in it. Sports Illustrated, for example, does a lot of long form. Much of it has traditionally been in print, but I can see examples where, partially with enhanced video, that there may be another way to tell that story.

????Time Warner has not yet announced financial details of the spin-out, such as how much debt Time Inc. will have. Did you have some visibility into that before you took the job?

????I did not. I assume that's a conversation Joe Ripp will have with [Time Warner CEO] Jeff Bewkes. What I do know is that when companies spin out properties it is very much in their interest that the spin-out be successful.

????Will you have input into acquisitions and/or divestitures?

????I see part of my role as being a partner with Joe Ripp in every area of the business, but particularly in products where editorial is an important component. I would hope that I could provide some support at a strategic level but I want to be clear that I'm not the CEO. Joe is.

????If there was a single property that you could acquire for Time Inc., with money and availability being no object, what would it be?

????LinkedIn (LNKD).

????You have a Twitter account but have never tweeted. Why?

????I use Twitter (TWTR) to read what other people are thinking, because I am curious what's in the public mind and what is the conversation du jour. I've been in a position where there haven't been a lot of things I wanted to say to lots of people that I couldn't say via other means.


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