


Alex Taylor III 2013-11-01



????筆者在編撰這份“2013年最不受待見車型”榜單時廣泛參考了多方意見,包括職業評估師的評價,汽車記者的評論,《汽車新聞》(Automotive News)收集的銷售數據以及我自己的駕駛體驗和行業報告。我沒有隨便堆砌三菱(Mitsubishi)這樣過氣的品牌或是鈴木(Suzuki)這樣的斷檔品牌,也沒有選擇那些早已停產的過時車型。同樣我也沒選奔馳斯瑪特(Smart fortwo)這樣老是充當替罪羊的車型。但是,我的這張榜單同樣也免不了主觀痕跡。

????The conventional wisdom these days is that there are no bad new cars. You can't buy anything that doesn't start reliably, drive competently, brake safely, and look respectable. For just a few dollars more, you get an array of electronic helpers ranging from navigation devices to stability controls that used to be the exclusive province of premium brands. And even the flimsiest models have reliability records that as recently as a decade ago would be viewed as exemplary.

????Still, some automakers have a clearer vision than others, and some models are better engineered to fulfill their stated purpose. Those that aren't languish unloved on dealers' lots, badly designed, badly timed, or badly priced.

????In compiling this list of 2013's most disliked cars, I have been guided by critiques from professional evaluators, reviews by automotive journalists, and sales data compiled byAutomotive News, as well as my own driving impressions and industry reporting. I have avoided piling on distressed brands like Mitsubishi and discontinued ones like Suzuki and obsolete models that are already out of production. I have also tried to avoid traditional whipping boys like the Smart fortwo. But, of necessity, my list is highly subjective.


????按照汽車網站Autoweek一位編輯的說法:“拿Acura RLX開涮是全美汽車媒體同行的消遣。”這么說也確實有理有據,評論者都覺得這車平淡乏味卻價格奇高。《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)的評論家更是對謳歌的這輛旗艦車型大加諷刺,說它“像奶油一樣不討人厭”,“像消毒雙手一樣干凈”,并認為它“看起來,感覺上就像是一輛被捧得高高的,非要配置過度的本田雅閣(Honda Accord)”。而在汽車網站The Truth About Cars上,評論者則盯上了它那6萬美元起的售價并指出:“除非謳歌改變這輛車的配置(要么就降價),RLX注定就是輛叫好不叫座的車。”

????2013 Acura RLX

????As an Autoweek editor observed, "Abusing the Acura RLX is a national pastime among the automotive press." And with good reason; reviewers found it bland, boring, and over-priced. The Wall Street Journal's reviewer skewered the Acura flagship for its "creamy inoffensiveness" and its "hand-sanitized sterility" and judged that it "looks and feels like an exalted, compulsively over-equipped Honda Accord." And over at The Truth About Cars, the reviewer took note of its $60,000-plus loaded price tag and concluded, "Until Acura realigns their flagship's capabilities (or shrinks the price tag) the RLX is destined to be the car everyone likes but nobody buys."?


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