


Kevin Kelleher 2013-10-21

????王雪紅和HTC顯然不想束手待斃。為了不在Android一棵樹上吊死,HTC正和微軟就制造Windows Phone手機一事展開談判,不過目前還沒有取得任何成果。上周又傳來消息,HTC正為電子商務巨頭亞馬遜(Amazon)研發(fā)三款智能手機,作為其免費手機推出。亞馬遜在Kindle Fire平板電腦身上已取得了不小的成功,這筆訂單對于HTC稱得上是雪中送炭。

????這真是條不錯的消息。但接下來幾條新聞可就不怎么樣了:臺灣《蘋果日報》(Apple Daily)稱HTC和聯(lián)想的管理層正就并購一事展開談判,聯(lián)想或將取得HTC品牌所有權。這樣的新聞不是第一次。無論是華為還是別的PC制造商打算收購HTC,我們都不意外。PC和移動設備之間的界限越來越模糊。智能手機/平板電腦制造商和PC制造商整合是大勢所趨。HTC最終落入別人手中或許在兩年內就會發(fā)生。




????Wang and HTC are clearly not wanting to go down without a fight. The company is talking with Microsoft about installing Windows Phone software as a "separate option" on its Android phones, although how this would work exactly remains unclear. This week, another report said HTC is developing three smartphones with Amazon, devices that the retail giant may offer for free. Amazon has had limited success with its Kindle Fire tablets, but such a deal could give HTC a needed boost.

????That's the good news. Now the not-so-good: On Friday, Taiwan's Apple Daily reported that executives at HTC and Lenovo were in acquisition talks for a deal that would let Lenovo take over the HTC brand. Such rumors aren't new, nor are rumors that Huawei or other PC makers might buy HTC. In the same way that lines are blurring between PCs and mobile devices, smartphone/tablet companies and PC makers are likely to consolidate. Increasingly, an HTC takeover seems likely within two years.

????The decline of HTC echoes those of Palm, Nokia, and BlackBerry, not to mention the failed efforts of giants like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Dell (DELL) to gain a foothold in the smartphone market. What makes HTC's situation unique is it's the first smartphone maker to power its phones with Android, which continues to be the most popular mobile OS in the world. HTC makes some of the best Android phones in the market, but that's not enough anymore.

????And that should give pause to all companies manufacturing and selling smartphones: No one seems exempt from a quick and irreversible decline in sales. In this market, every competitor is vulnerable.


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