JP Mangalindan
iPhone 3GS 2009年 iPhone 3GS進行了全面升級:一顆速度更快的600MHz處理器,內存增加一倍,更強大的3G聯網性能以及電池續航能力,以及一個320萬像素的后置攝像頭。通過這些功能升級,蘋果稱iPhone 3GS要比老機型快上兩倍。這款手機在上市首個周末即售出100萬臺。 |
iPhone 3GS ? Year: 2009 The iPhone 3GS featured improvements all across the board: a faster processor running at 600 MHz, double the RAM, better 3G performance and battery life, and a 3.2-megapixel rear camera. These upgrades translated to performance Apple claimed was twice as fast as older models. The 3GS sold 1 million units over the first weekend alone. |