


Ryan Bradley 2013-09-09
Jawbone公司推出的Jambox Mini音箱不僅體格更小,重量更輕,而且音色更出眾。更重要的是,它舉重若輕,把十分復雜的事變得看起來不費吹灰之力。這家公司同步推出了一個音樂應用,實現了音箱與其他移動設備的無縫連接,從而把音箱變成了移動的音樂中心。

????博加特向我展示了這款Jawbone應用。大家不僅可以通過它無線調節音箱的設置,還可以在一個簡單的界面上儲存iTunes、Spotify和Rdio等音樂服務的播放列表。因此這款應用的理念就是,讓Mini Jambox音箱成為移動音樂體驗的目的地。現在這款音樂應用暫時還沒有正式發布,不過筆者在勞動節的那個周末帶著一臺Mini音箱去密西西比參加了一個朋友的婚禮,有一個時刻給我留下了很深的印象。

????那天時間已經過了午夜,氣氛仍然很熱烈,我們幾個人坐在杰克遜市愛德華國王酒店的露臺上喝啤酒。這時我拿出Mini Jambox音箱播放波?迪德里的音樂。人們拿起這款音箱,覺得它不僅外觀拉風,手感也不錯。最后我也站起來表演了一番。這時我的朋友也用他的手機連接了這臺音箱,音樂在轉換時沒有出現絲毫的卡頓,雖然他的手機使用的是Android系統,而我用的是蘋果的iPhone。音樂的轉換只耗費了幾秒鐘,除了我們兩個人之外,在場沒有任何其他人注意到。這種感覺有點像魔術,三臺不同的機器連在一起,最后決定播出什么音樂,然后在熾熱的密西西比的夜色里播放出來。(財富中文網)


????With the Jawbone App, which Bogart demonstrated for me, you can not only adjust the speaker's settings wirelessly, but also store playlists from iTunes, Spotify, and Rdio in a single interface. The idea is that this is the destination for your media listening on the go. The app wasn't yet available to the public, but I did take the Mini down to Mississippi with me over Labor Day weekend for a friend's wedding, and one moment stands out:

????It was well after midnight, still hot, and a bunch of us were sitting around the stoop of the King Edward Hotel in downtown Jackson, beer sweating in the warm southern night. Out comes the Jambox; on goes the Bo Diddley. People picked up the speaker -- it's cool-looking and cool to the touch. Eventually I stood up to turn in. As I did, a friend connected his phone to the speaker, taking control of the tunes. The music didn't skip a beat, even though his phone used an entirely different operating system (Google's Android (GOOG)) than my iPhone. The switch happened in just a few seconds, with no one but the two of us noticing. It felt a little bit like magic: our three different machines, acting in concert, communicating to make music and send it out into the hot Mississippi night.


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