


Patricia Sellers 2013年07月26日


????本周二,在阿斯彭召開的《財富》雜志(Fortune)科技頭腦風暴大會上,美國將軍斯坦利?麥克里斯特爾在“領導力經驗”(Lessons in Leadership)環節討論中分享了非常個人化的體會,同在這個環節發言的嘉賓還包括惠普(Hewlett-Packard)執行副總裁托德?布萊德利。2010年,麥克里斯特爾是前美國駐阿富汗總司令,《滾石》(Rolling Stone)的一篇報道稱,麥克里斯特爾及其助手瞧不起美國總統。麥克里斯特爾在這次會上表示,這篇報道不準確,結果導致他辭職,他的軍旅生涯也就此終結。

????如今,這位四星上將已經成功轉型,他帶領的咨詢公司McChrystal Group正在幫助惠普這樣的公司改變它們的運營方式。除了給出很多領導力建議,筆者主持的這場討論會的一大亮點是麥克里斯特爾前所未有的坦率直言,他談到了那場個人危機、危機心得以及自己應對危機的方法,我們或許也能以這些方式從危機中汲取力量。









????It's easy to be a leader when things are going well. The true test comes when things fall apart. How do you handle yourself then?

????General Stanley McChrystal delivered very personal wisdom at Fortune Brainstorm Tech in Aspen on Tuesday during a "Lessons in Leadership" session that also included Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) EVP Todd Bradley. McChrystal was the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2010 when a Rolling Stone profile portrayed him and his aides as contemptuous of the President. The story, which McChrystal says was inaccurate, led him to resign and end his military career.

????The four-star general's reinvention now has him leading the McChrystal Group, a consulting firm that helps companies like HP change the ways they operate. While dispensing plenty of leadership advice, the gem of this session, which I moderated, was McChrystal's stunning candor--speaking as he has not before about his crisis, the lesson from it, and the approach any of us might take to gain strength from an embarrassing setback.

????"Well, I decided to myself, that that was an inflection point in my life. And I couldn't change that now. You can't change the past.

????And what I was going to try to do is conduct myself every day for the rest of my life in a way that would cause anybody who saw or dealt with me to say, "That's not congruent with the tone of that report."

????So, rather than take on the report directly, I decided to take it on indirectly and just try to disprove it by my conduct.

????You pay a big price when you do that. Silence hurts. When you keep your mouth shut and you don't write about it, you don't talk about it, and every day you want to scream.

????You want to scream out every day—a little less every day, but every day you do.

????Most leaders go through something like that…Get yourself ready to what's important to you: What's the core of you? What can't people take away from you?

????And realize that if you give to other people the opportunity to determine your dignity or your sense of self-worth—if you outsource that to them—they can leave you in a bad place.

????So you've got to decide.

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