


Stephen Gandel 2013-07-26

????如果你上周末買過一罐可樂,你有可能多花了0.002美元,背后的原因是高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)。更糟糕的是,你出去買這罐可樂所開的汽車成本可能比原來高出了12美元(相當于每輛車每年要多耗費1.09美元)。問題同樣出在高盛身上。



????本周末《紐約時報》(New York Times)一篇報道稱,高盛集團操縱鋁價進而從可口可樂及其他產品的消費者身上獲利約50億美元。根據這篇報道,時間追溯到2003年,監管機構通過了一項規定,允許高盛集團和華爾街的其他公司涉足金融市場正常范疇以外的領域,使得它們能夠收購實際參與大宗商品(包括鋁等金屬)買賣的公司。所以,高盛集團這樣操作了。它在底特律購買了一系列倉庫,用于鋁金屬儲運。



????而鋁金屬經常在倉庫間轉移的主要原因似乎源于倫敦金屬交易所(London Metal Exchange,簡稱:LME)一個奇怪規定:它要求鋁倉庫每天移出3,000噸金屬,無論持有者是什么身份。《紐約時報》這篇報道認為,這個規定的出發點比較可疑,因為倫敦金屬交易所也可以因此從鋁材倉儲業務中獲得額外增長的利潤。因此,如果投資者既想長時間的囤積手中的鋁,同時又不想違反這一規定,就必須每天把鋁從一個倉庫轉移到另一個倉庫。這也就增加了金屬鋁的持有成本。如果投資者想從中獲利,就必須進一步加價。而最終結果就是導致鋁價上漲,至少在公開市場是如此。也許這個才是真正推高鋁價的幕后黑手。也就是說,使得我們每購買一罐可口可樂就要多花0.002美元、一年將近多花50億美元的始作俑者是拙劣的監管規定,而不是高盛集團卑鄙的炒作手法。


????If you bought a can of Coke this weekend, you might have paid $0.002 more because of Goldman Sachs. Worse, the car you drove to wherever it was that you bought that can of Coke cost $12 more than it should have, again because of Goldman (GS), which is like $1.09 more a year over the life of the car.

????Of course, the fact that these amounts are small doesn't matter, as I have argued in the past. The black magic of Wall Street is figuring out how to take pennies from everyone and redistribute that money in the form of multi-million dollar bonuses to a relatively small number of people on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

????But when you want to make the case that Wall Street is taking advantage of us -- that is, jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money, as one colorful reporter put it -- you have to look at how these amounts add up. And in the aluminum market, it's not clear that the case against Goldman does that.

????The tale of how Goldman is manipulating the market for aluminum and boosting prices to the tune of $5 billion a year for Coke drinkers and others was laid out this weekend in an article in theNew York Times. According to the article, back in 2003, regulators passed a rule that allowed Goldman and other Wall Street firms to go outside the normal realm of financial markets and buy up companies that participate in the actual buying and selling of commodities, metals like aluminum. So Goldman did. It bought a group of warehouses in Detroit that store and ship aluminum.

????The NYT makes a big deal about the fact that nearly none of the aluminum Goldman holds is ever shipped to customers. Instead, Goldman moves it from one warehouse to another, without any perceived purpose. Sketchy, right?

????Maybe not. That's because Goldman's clients generally aren't Coke (KO) or GM (GM), or any other end user. Goldman's clients, like in the other parts of its business, are investors, who aren't in the business of making things. They have no actual use for the metal, other than to stockpile it, which is what Goldman does for them. When it is sold, the aluminum might end up being bought by another investor, who would put it in another warehouse, which could also be owned by Goldman.

????Much of the movement of the metal, though, happens, it appears, because of a weird regulation, imposed by the London Metal Exchange -- the motivation of which, according to the Times article, is dubious because it too benefits from inflated profits in the warehousing business. The rule states that no matter who owns the aluminum, 3,000 tons of it have to be moved out of warehouses every day. So if investors want to hold their metal for long periods of time, they have to move it from one warehouse to another in order to not run afoul of the rules. That drives up the cost of holding onto the metal, and therefore the price that investors want to get paid when they sell it. And that results in a higher price of aluminum, at least in the public markets. So what may really be driving up the price of aluminum, and costing customers $0.002 more for a can of Coke, to the tune of $5 billion a year, is not a dastardly shipping scheme by Goldman, but some poorly written regulation.

????What's more, Goldman's warehouses only hold 1.5 million tons of aluminum, a small fraction of the overall stock of the metal. So if anything, by the NYT's math, Goldman's take of its aluminum inflation efforts is $171 million. Much of the rest of the benefit would go to the aluminum industry. Still, a headline that read "Alcoa and other aluminum manufactures make $4.8 billion off poorly devised regulations that drives up the price of a can of soda $0.002" probably wouldn't have made the front page.


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