????希爾在ESPN能否成功,最后的一個關鍵就是他的直播風格。ESPN要認真對待風格問題,因為對于觀眾來說,這在情感上是吸引他們看一個節目與否的關鍵因素。比如ESPN的一個NBA直播節目“NBA 倒計時”(NBA Countdown)就非常缺乏創意、眼界和風格魅力。這個節目不可避免地要與TNT的“深入NBA”(Inside the NBA)相比,而后者的主持人是著名的“大嘴”巴克利。上個賽季觀看由瑪吉克?約翰遜、邁克爾?威爾本、賈倫?羅斯和比爾?西蒙斯四個人主持的“NBA倒計時”的時候,給人的感覺就像四個人剛剛在一次活動上認識,然后就一起被困在了電梯里。他們因為相同的原因走到了一起,但是哪也去不了。 ????還是把希爾換上來吧。 ????電視節目的核心就在于人和人的關系。它既包括友誼也包括摩擦,這正是有些節目吸引觀眾的原因。《今日秀》(Today Show)、《早安美國》(Good Morning America)、Charles Barkley & Co等節目就充分說明了這一點。現在通過創造性的信息,加上“統計學家”(希爾和西蒙斯)和“老牌主持人”(威爾本和瑪吉克)之間的“創新性張力”,ESPN可能有了一個重建這個NBA直播節目的機會。但前提條件是ESPN為希爾和西蒙斯的觀點提供充足的制片效果。 ????ESPN已經證明了它在某些方面是有創新性的,但是在大數據方面,它還能保持這種創新性嗎? ????可能這就是決定ESPN能不能通過希爾“點球成金”的關鍵。(財富中文網) ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????The final piece of the Silver puzzle will involve his on-air personality. ESPN needs to think hard about the personal dynamics that are the emotional core of why viewers watch particular shows. Case in point: ESPN's NBA studio show "NBA Countdown," a show that would stand out for its lack of creativity, vision and personality even if it wasn't inevitably compared to TNT's "Inside the NBA" starring Charles Barkley. This past season watching "NBA Countdown" featuring Magic Johnson, Michael Wilbon, Jalen Rose and Bill Simmons (ESPN's most innovative personality—in text) was like watching four guys who had just met at a convention and found themselves stuck together in an elevator. They were all there for the same reason, but they weren't going anywhere. ????Enter Silver. (Please.) ????TV shows at their core are about relationships—both friendship and friction—that's what bonds viewers to them, as the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Charles Barkley & Co. make abundantly clear. ESPN now has a chance to recreate its NBA coverage with creative information, combined with "creative tension" between "The Quants" (Silver and Simmons) and "The Classics" (Wilbon and Magic). (Or as some might eventually call them, the Quants versus the Quaints.) But that will only work if ESPN puts serious production values—and resources—behind both Silver's and Simmons' insights. ????The network has shown that it can be innovative when it comes to coaches X's and O's, but can they be innovative when it comes to zeros and ones? |