


Peter Elkind 2013-07-08













????Among his questions, Fastow was asked about former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling's sentence reduction last month -- from 24 to 14 years. Fastow offered considerable sympathy for his former boss, against whom he had testified at trial. "Going to prison is terrible," Fastow said. "You're never comfortable. All the talk about 'Club Fed' is garbage ... You're surrounded by very violent people, very unstable people. Prisons work hard to make you uncomfortable. But that's not what's bad about going to prison. What's bad about going to prison is that you're separated from your family." (Skilling's parents and youngest son all died while he was behind bars.) Fastow added that even Skilling's reduced term is still "a devastating sentence."

????Fastow went on to insist that "Enron did not have to go bankrupt when it went bankrupt ... Enron should not have gone bankrupt. It could have survived. And it was decisions made in October 2001" -- after Skilling resigned as CEO -- "that caused it go into bankruptcy" early that December. That's a highly debatable point -- but Fastow did not elaborate.

????And then, the final question: "This is on a lot of people's minds. Many people vilify you for what you did at Enron, and the resulting effect on other companies, pensions, market share, people's fortunes. How do you grapple with that? How do you react to that condemnation?"

????"Um, well, first of all," said Fastow, looking down, "I deserve it. It's a very difficult thing to accept that about yourself. I didn't set out to commit a crime. I certainly didn't set out to hurt anyone. When I was working at Enron, you know, I was kind of a hero, because I helped the company make its numbers every quarter. And I thought I was doing a good thing. I thought I was smart. But I wasn't."

????"I wake up every morning, and I take out my prison ID card, which I have with me here today. And it makes certain that I remember all the people. I remember that I harmed so many people in what I did. It encourages me to try to do the little things that I can to make amends for what I did."

????"I can't repay everyone. I can't give them jobs. I can't fix it. But I just have to try bit by bit to do that. Being here is hopefully a little contribution to that."

????And with that -- despite the organizer's fears that Fastow's speech might be disrupted -- the former Enron CFO received a broad round of applause. For 15 minutes afterwards, he lingered, chatting with a crowd of the fraud examiners. More than one asked to pose for a photo with Fastow, who politely agreed. An ACFE staffer who did so said she felt a bit weird about the request, but that Fastow seemed nice and she felt he was "part of history."

????That over, the former Enron CFO departed for his flight back to Houston, carrying a tote bag he'd been given bearing the logo of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

????"Quite a bit of irony in that," Fastow remarked.

????Fortune Editor at Large Peter Elkind is co-author, with Bethany McLean, of The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron.


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