


JP Mangalindan 2013-06-26

????黑莓稱自己的新界面為“Flow”,因為在大多數情況下,用戶僅需要通過簡單的手勢便可以完成大部分操作。從不同方向滑動會打開不同的功能。向上滑動可進入“活動框”,或實時更新目前打開應用的快捷方式。向下滑動可查看設置。從左向右滑動可以進入“黑莓中心”(BlackBerry Hub),其中整合了電子郵件、Facebook更新和其他通信的信息,非常方便。而從右向左滑動,用戶可以返回之前的任務、應用、屏幕等。用戶只需要幾分鐘就能熟練使用,筆者很快就學會向上滑動屏幕,然后在各種應用間快速、高效地切換。黑莓中心也是對我非常有用的一種功能,我可以一次瀏覽所有電子郵件、之前通話記錄、信息、Twitter和其他內容。

????當然,Q10在有些方面還可以做得更好。我說的并不是它拍攝的效果平平的照片。三星(Samsung )用越來越大的屏幕提高了傳統“智能手機”的分界線,三星手機最大尺寸已經達到5寸。因此,黑莓的小屏幕看起來有些稀奇,盡管在不經意間顯得有些落伍。當然,Z10也有4.2英寸屏幕,而且Q10的便攜性也值得稱道。但在瀏覽狹窄的網頁時,我真心希望黑莓能設計得更大一些。為什么要為鍵盤犧牲那么多屏幕空間?

????應用選擇也是個問題。截至今年五月,黑莓10的應用數量僅有120,000個,其中既有全新設計的程序,也有從谷歌(Google)安卓系統上直接移植的應用。這雖然只略少于Window Phone的 145,000個應用,但與安卓和iOS相比則簡直不值一提。安卓與iOS存在的時間更長,能提供更豐富的生態系統。我最喜歡的應用,比如Spotify、Nike+Runing和印象筆記(Evernote)等,還是只能在安卓和iOS上使用。這種狀況或許會有所改變,但匱乏的應用數量對黑莓沒有任何好處。



????BlackBerry calls the new interface "Flow" because users ought to be able to get around most of the time with simple gestures. Swiping from any one of four directions brings up something different. Swipe up to view "active frames," or real-time updating shortcut tiles to apps that are currently open. Swipe down to check settings. Swipe left to right bring up the "BlackBerry Hub," a sort of master inbox that conveniently merges emails, Facebook updates, and other communications. And swiping from right to left sometimes brings the user back to their previous task, app, screen, etc. It takes a few minutes to get used to it, but soon enough I found myself swiping up and juggling between apps quickly and efficiently. The Hub also proved a nice way for me to scan all my emails, previous calls, messages, Tweets, and other things all at once.

????Still, the Q10 could have been better, and I'm not talking about the average quality photos it snaps. As Samsung pushes the boundaries of what constitutes a traditional "smartphone" with larger and larger screen sizes that top 5 inches, the Q10's still pint-sized screen looks quaint, even unintentionally antiquated. Of course, the Z10 offers a 4.2-inch screen, and there's something to be said for the Q10's portability, but while scrolling through cramped-looking websites, I wished BlackBerry had just designed bigger. Why sacrifice so much screen for that keyboard?

????The app selection is also a real issue. As of this May, there were 120,000 BlackBerry 10 apps, a mix of programs designed from the ground up and ones ported over from Google (GOOG) Android. That's a fraction of what's available on Android and iOS -- though just shy of Windows Phone's 145,000 apps -- which have been around longer, but nonetheless offer far richer ecosystems. My own favorite apps like Spotify, Nike+ (NKE) Running, and Evernote remain nowhere to be found. That may change, but the small app selection doesn't do BlackBerry any favors.

????Put simply, people will either love or hate BlackBerry's latest. BlackBerry users seeking an upgrade will probably see the Q10 as an improvement over what they have now, and they likely won't be disappointed. But most everyone else, particularly smartphone owners spoiled by the nimble competition, just won't be convinced by that small screen or app catalog. BlackBerry's silver bullet? Not quite.


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