


Michael Fitzpatrick 2013-06-18


????劍橋大學(the University of Cambridge)生物材料力學教授米歇爾?奧恩表示,到目前為止,如何充分理解這些來自大自然的材料以模仿它們,難倒了不少科學家。“就蜘蛛絲而言,我們能夠復制負責制造蜘蛛絲的基因序列,把它轉移到別的地方,羊奶的情況也是如此,”她說,“但我們隨后必須模仿蜘蛛絲的噴絲頭,以便使這些蛋白質形成纖維。這一步相當棘手,是迄今為止的瓶頸之一。”

????資本規模達7.8億日元的Spiber公司現在每天能夠生產1公斤蜘蛛絲蛋白質,而且滿懷信心地與一家隸屬于豐田汽車(Toyota)的公司組建了一家合資企業,希望實現商業化生產。Spiber公司的紗線蛋白質不是用羊奶、而是用合成微生物制作而成。這家公司正在興建一家計劃于今年年末竣工的試驗廠,未來每月將生產100公斤已獲得專利、名叫Qmonos Fiber的蜘蛛絲蛋白質。至2015年,Spiber公司還將建造一個旨在進行商業化生產、每年將生產超過10噸蜘蛛絲的試點工廠。




????This can take inventors down some strange avenues. Ten years ago, U.S. researchers came up with the idea of creating "Spider goats" that had their milk genes altered with spider DNA. The resultant animal's milk contained the spider silk protein which was then extracted following milking. After that the task got harder.

????So far, what has held scientists back, says Michelle Oyen, professor of Mechanics of Biological Materials at the University of Cambridge, is understanding the natural materials well enough to mimic them. "In the case of spider silk, we can copy the gene sequences responsible for silk and transfer them elsewhere, as with the goat's milk case," she says. "But we then have to mimic the spider's silk spinneret in order to form the proteins into fibers, and that's tricky and has been one of the limitations to date."

????Spiber, capitalized at 780 million yen, is now capable of producing up to 1 kg of the silk protein a day and is confident enough to form a joint venture with a Toyota (TM) subsidiary to commercialize production. The yarn proteins at Spiber are made by synthetic microorganisms -- not goat's milk. Spiber is currently building a test plant that will produce 100 kg a month of patented spider thread protein, dubbed Qmonos Fiber, by the end of the year. A pilot plant will then be built for commercialization of the yarn by 2015 that will produce over 10 tons silk annually.

????"Applications will include super-light but strong car parts and medical applications," says Sekiyama. "We have an idea for cars that won't hurt pedestrians in crashes." Spider silk's tensile strength but corresponding flexibility could make it ideal for artificial ligaments. One claim, however, that Prof. Oyen wishes to disabuse us of, is that spider silk is stronger than steel. "At best, spider silk might compare to steel when it comes to tensile strength. Tensile strength is only one critical property," she says. "The stiffness of silk, which is its ability to deform elastically when force is applied, is many times less than that of steel."

????Nevertheless, Spiber is not alone in the race to market such a potentially valuable substance. German firm Amsilk recently announced it, too, will start a pilot project to scale up lab production of spider silk. Meanwhile, the American company that originally created the spider goats, after securing millions of dollars in backing, is no longer in the spider web business. The goats, now a Utah university farm, still produce spider proteins. But for the time being, the protein-synthesizing micocrobes seem to have the lead.


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