蘋果iOS 7最令人驚嘆的 11大新功能
JP Mangalindan
iOS 7號稱是iPhone誕生以來的最為重大的一次升級。從目前的情況來看,蘋果此言非虛。今天我們就為提前為大家點評一下即將在今年秋天與用戶見面的手機操作系統。
改進的圖片應用 ????iOS用戶終于不用在一大堆圖片間不停滾動,苦苦尋找想要的東西了?;跁r間和拍攝地點等因素,蘋果能將圖片按“時刻”或“事件”排列,并組織到“集合”或相冊中,然后按照“年份”顯示出來。(雖然說起來很拗口,但實際非常簡單。) |
Improved photos ????iOS users don't have to scroll through countless photos to get at what they want anymore. Based on factors like time and place, Apple can organize shots into what it calls "moments," or events, that are housed in "collections," or albums, that show up under "years." (It's a lot simpler than it sounds. Trust us.) |