蘋果iOS 7最令人驚嘆的 11大新功能
JP Mangalindan
iOS 7號稱是iPhone誕生以來的最為重大的一次升級。從目前的情況來看,蘋果此言非虛。今天我們就為提前為大家點評一下即將在今年秋天與用戶見面的手機操作系統。
攝像頭加入多重濾鏡 ????標準、全景和視頻功能依然是標配,但新的iOS 7提供了“square”高光拍照模式和至少9種濾鏡。這些濾鏡能實現黑白、低對比度和懷舊復古等效果。 |
One camera, many filters ????The Camera app still offers the ability to shoot standard stills, panoramas, and videos, but now there's a "square"-shaped photo feature and at least nine built-in filters that render shots in black and white, cool down the contrast, or dial up the sepia for a vintage-retro look. |