蘋果iOS 7最令人驚嘆的 11大新功能
徹底顛覆 ????自從蒂姆?庫克讓倫敦人喬尼?伊夫執掌iOS大權后,外界紛紛猜測這位工業設計領域的大牛會帶來哪些變化。畢竟,iOS設備的出貨量已超過6億部,而應用程序下載量更高達500億次,iOS已成為最為活躍的手機生態系統。
????現在真相大白,就像庫克所說的,iOS 7是蘋果有史以來最重大的軟件升級。從煥然一新的人機設計,再到重新設計多任務系統,iOS 7的變化可謂數不勝數。對于熟悉伊夫,或者是了解蘋果公司(Apple)內幕的人而言,iOS 7的變化多少在意料之中。據報道,伊夫本人并不是“擬物化”的追隨者,這種設計強調將現實世界的某些元素融入到數字應用中,例如蘋果之前的播客應用,它的界面就是一部老式收音機。在iPhone誕生6年后,無數用戶早對iOS爛熟于心,所謂視覺提示已經沒有必要。 ????iOS 7即將在今年秋天登場,下面就是它最令人矚目的11項新功能。 扁平化的iOS ????隨著iOS 7第三季度正式推出,用戶將很快發現自己熟悉的界面已不復存在。整個系統更扁平化、更醒目,也變得更透明。在大部分場景下,應用圖標和文字看起來都像是純粹的二維圖形,整個屏幕的配色也更加鮮艷。半透明化的菜單頻頻出現,新的控制中心就是其中一個例子,iOS 7看起來頗有嬉皮士風范。 |
Radically new ????When Tim Cook placed Jony Ive in charge of iOS development, many speculated about what changes the esteemed London-born industrial designer would bring. After all, with over 600 million iOS devices sold and 50 billion apps downloaded, iOS is a thriving software ecosystem in its own right. ????Now we know: iOS7 represents, according to Cook, the biggest software update ever. From a different aesthetic to a new multitasking system, the changes are many. That Ive and team went in a different direction with iOS7's looks should come as little surprise to those who know Ive or follow Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) closely. Ive was reportedly not a fan of "skeuomorphism," the design philosophy that led to digital representations of real-world items, like the reel-to-reel tape deck previously found in Apple's podcast app. After six years, most users should be pretty familiar with how iOS works without such visual cues. ????Here's a look at many of the new features users will discover this fall. iOS, but flatter ????When iOS7 becomes widely available this fall, users will quickly notice that any sort of nostalgic visual cues have been done away with. This operating system is flatter, bolder, and more translucent. For the most part, app and text look more two-dimensional, and a more striking color palette permeates every screen. Semi-transparent menu layers, like those seen in the new Control Center, lend an updated, hipper look. |