百勝餐飲集團 ????在中國,人們一提到百勝餐飲集團(Yum! Brands),通常都會想到肯德基(KFC)。而實際上,另外一家百勝連鎖餐廳必勝客(Pizza Hut)過去三年在中國市場的同店銷售額也實現了兩位數增長。去年,必勝客在中國新開了200家必勝客休閑餐廳(至第一季度末,在中國的門店總數已經接近900家),足跡已經遍及除西藏外中國其他各省的200多個城市。 ????必勝客在美國的主要業務是外賣,而中國的必勝客休閑餐廳則主要提供餐廳堂食。百勝集團投資者關系副總裁史蒂夫?施密特稱:“餐廳的定位是提供‘最好的西式休閑用餐體驗。’我們不會刻意追求當地的用餐體驗,但必須注重當地人的偏好。”公司在中國的外賣業務必勝宅急送(Pizza Hut Home Service)依然是一個新興品牌。 ????這家公司每年對25%的菜品進行兩次調整。除了披薩和意大利面外,其他食品還包括法式蝸牛等開胃菜、牛排等正餐,以及其他各種米飯類視頻。堂食中披薩僅占銷售額的30%,而在美國則占到70%。而且中國餐廳披薩的餡料以海鮮為主——比如大西洋鮭魚披薩或芝心大蝦披薩。此外,百勝也在盡量將餐廳全天利用起來。公司推出的下午茶很受歡迎,而且目前正在嘗試西式早餐。 |
Yum Brands ????KFC is normally the focus when it comes to Yum! Brands' presence in China. But Pizza Hut, another Yum! chain, has seen same store sales grow at double digit rates the last three years in the market. The company opened 200 Pizza Hut Casual Dining restaurants in China last year (at the end of the first quarter there were nearly 900 total in the country) and is in more than 200 cities and every province except Tibet. ????While in the U.S. the majority of business is takeout and delivery, China's Pizza Hut Casual Dining is all about the sit-down meal. "It's positioned as 'the best western casual dining experience,'" says Steve Schmitt, Yum! Brands vice president of investor relations. "We don't go for a local type experience, but it's skewed toward local preferences." The delivery arm in China, Pizza Hut Home Service, is still an emerging brand there. ????The broad menu in China sees 25% of its items change twice a year. In addition to pizza and pasta, offerings include appetizers like escargot, entrees such as steak, and a selection of rice dishes. Pizza at the sit-down locations makes up 30% of sales, versus 70% in the U.S., with toppings focused more on seafood--Atlantic Salmon pizza or Stuffed Crust Jumbo Shrimp Crown pizza. Yum! is also working on utilizing the restaurants all day. Tea time is big, and the company is testing western-style breakfasts. |