????美國用戶使用最多的電子郵件非Gmail莫屬,而這項服務即將為大家?guī)砀錾捏w驗。 ????接下來幾周,谷歌(Google)將推出新版Gmail,其中許多微調應該會得到用戶贊許。自2004年發(fā)布以來,Gmail已成為谷歌在核心業(yè)務搜索和廣告之外最成功的產(chǎn)品之一。 ????這些年來,不少權威人士都表態(tài),電子郵件即將退出歷史舞臺,而Gmail的蓬勃發(fā)展卻證明,這項服務依然寶刀不老。去年夏天,谷歌宣布Gmail的全球活躍用戶數(shù)已達4.25億,比半年前增加了7,500萬。獨立數(shù)字廣告商Quantcast是一家流量分析公司。它表示,從這幾年的數(shù)據(jù)看,Gmail的用戶數(shù)仍在穩(wěn)定增長,僅在美國市場,它每月的活躍用戶數(shù)就高達1,400萬。以下是Gmail即將推出的三項新功能。 標簽欄 ????這個功能對于那些已經(jīng)將郵件分好類、存放在文件夾里的高級用戶而言算不上新鮮,不過對于新手,新的標簽功能能更好地分類郵件,讓大家不再那么焦頭爛額。郵件將歸為五類——其中包括主要(來自親朋好友的郵件)、社交(來自社交網(wǎng)絡的郵件)、更新(類似收據(jù)、提醒等郵件),這些標簽都將置于收件箱頂部。當然,用戶也能按照喜好定制分類。 自動分類 ????新功能最大的好處是,無需用戶親自動手。谷歌的算法將分析過濾郵件,非常智能地給郵件打上不同的標簽。隨著用戶持續(xù)使用,Gmail能自我學習,更好地分類和過濾掉令人生厭的垃圾郵件。 不喜歡?隨時可以退出 ????喜歡嘗鮮的早期使用者等不及谷歌的官方更新了?你可以提前體驗一把新功能,請點擊Gmail右上角的齒輪狀按鈕,然后選擇“設置收件箱”。在這里你可以選擇希望啟用的標簽,最后點保存。無論用戶是提前使用還是靜候官方更新,谷歌這次都做得很聰明。不喜歡?你隨時可以回退到之前的版本。不過,還是讓我們一起來歡迎這次升級吧,畢竟新標簽還是不錯的。(財富中文網(wǎng)) ????譯者:項航 |
????One of the most widely used email clients in the U.S. is about to get (even) better. ????Over the next few weeks, Google (GOOG) will roll out a new Gmail inbox, with subtle tweaks many users ought to like. Launched in 2004, Gmail has become one of Google's most successful forays outside of its core search and advertising businesses. ????As pundits called for the death of email over the years time and time again, Gmail's steady user growth proved the messaging system was anything but dying. Last summer, Google announced the service had 425 million active users worldwide, up 75 million from six months prior. The independent digital advertising company Quantcast, which measures a website's audience, also shows consistent user growth over the years, with nearly 14 million monthly active users in the U.S. alone. Here are three welcome features Gmail users can expect. Tabs ????Advanced users who already have their email sorted into folders might not find this feature novel, but for the rest of us, Gmail's new approach to sorting out messages could make our digital lives far less cluttered. Inboxes will now be split into five categories -- including Primary (messages from people you regularly contact), Social (messages from well, social networks), and Updates (think receipts and reminders) -- with labeled tabs up top. Users can also customize those tab categories to their liking. Auto-sorting ????The best part about these new categories is that users won't have to change their behavior. Gmail's algorithms will organize their email for them, intelligently filtering out different types of messages into those different tabs. And as users continue to use it, Gmail will get better at sorting and filtering out all that obnoxious spam. Don't like it? Opt out. ????Early adopters who can't wait for Google to introduce the new inbox approach can get a head start by heading to their settings, represented by the small cog icon in the upper-right hand corner, and clicking "Configure inbox." From there, it's just a matter of choosing which tabbed categories you'd like to appear, then pressing "Save." And whether users choose this shortcut or wait for the official upgrade, Google's playing it smart. Don't like it? Well, you can always revert back to the previous version, which well, let's face it, wasn't all that bad to start. |