????日本對美國第三大移動運營商斯普林特(Sprint)的投標遭到了美國許多愛國人士的抨擊,他們認為這次并購會給美國帶來安全風險。有鑒于此,日本人完全有理由認為里珀將軍又復活了。 ????里珀將軍是斯坦利?庫布里克在20世紀60年代拍攝的冷戰影片《奇愛博士》(Doctor Strangelove)中的美國戰略空軍基地司令。里珀將軍向他統領的34架B-52轟炸機下令,轟炸蘇聯,引發第三次世界大戰。他為什么對蘇聯不滿呢?因為他“再也不能袖手旁觀,再也不能容忍共產主義者的滲透、灌輸、顛覆,以及他們侵蝕、污染我們珍貴體液的陰謀?!?/p> ????與此類似,對日本軟銀(Softbank)公司的反對集中于軟銀所謂的與中國的密切關系,以及中國因涉嫌窺探美國機密而遭到的控訴。(目前為止還沒有人提到污染體液的事。) ????軟銀去年開價201億美元收購斯普林特70%的股份,而美國的Dish公司上月愿出價255億美元徹底收購這家公司。這場競爭非常激烈。美國競標商將這些網絡攻擊言論當作緊要關頭的作戰重點,以損害日本競爭者的信用。許多分析人士認為,后者實力更強。 ????那些一直保持警惕的人是怎么想的呢?比如說美國參議員查爾斯?舒默。有趣的是,他曾雇傭的一名籌款人如今就是Dish的員工。這些人擔心的是,通過中國制造的網絡或日本軟銀使用的硬件可以挖掘到美國的情報。舒默發表聲明說:“我真的擔心,這筆交易一旦達成,美國工業和政府部門將更容易遭到中國人民解放軍的網絡攻擊。據說軟銀的日本無線網絡嚴重依賴中國的設備(和制造商),這些制造商與中國政府關系密切?!?/p> ????位于東京的IT咨詢公司Eurotechnology的格哈德?法索爾認為這簡直是無稽之談。他說:“我不相信軟銀對此有絲毫興趣。他們是一家日本公司,最高管理層幾乎都是日本人,其中一名董事會成員還是美國高盛集團(Goldman-Sachs)的銀行家。軟銀主要使用愛立信(Ericsson)的設備,也用一些其他公司的產品。” ????諷刺的是,正是斯普林特自己的子公司科維(Clearware)在網絡中安裝了中國制造商華為(Huawei)的設備,首先引發了對于共產黨陰謀的警惕。軟銀已經同意花費10億美元,淘汰這些設備。 |
????With Japan's bid for Sprint, the U.S.'s third-place mobile carrier, coming under attack from patriots who consider the merger a security risk, the Japanese could be forgiven for thinking General Jack D. Ripper was on the loose again. ????Readers might recall the commanding general of the fictional Burpelson Air Force Base, from Stanley Kubrick's coldwar masterpiece Doctor Strangelove. Ripper issued an order to the 34 B-52's of his Wing to bomb Russia and start WWIII. The cause of his disaffection? He could "no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids." ????Similarly, the objections raised against the Japanese-owned Softbank center on its alleged close relationship with China and all the potential snooping against America China has been accused of. (Nobody has mentioned impurifying bodily fluids -- yet.) ????Softbank offered $20.1 billion for 70% of Sprint (S) last year, while the U.S.-based Dish (DISH) last month proffered $25.5 billion for all of the company. The rivalry has been fierce. The competing American bidder has made these cyberattack allegations the center of a last-minute campaign to discredit the Japanese pitch, which many analysts consider the stronger. ????What is on the minds of the ever-vigilant -- such as U.S. Senator Charles Schumer who, interestingly, employed a campaign fundraiser who is now working for Dish? The sapping of intelligence via Chinese-made networks or hardware Softbank might use. "I have real concerns that this deal, if approved, could make American industry and government agencies far more susceptible to cyberattacks from China and the People's Liberation Army," Schumer said a statement. "Softbank's Japanese wireless network reportedly relies heavily on Chinese equipment [manufacturers] with ties to the Chinese government." ????All poppycock, says tech analyst in Tokyo, Gerhard Fasol of Eurotechnology. "I can't believe that Softbank has that interest at all; they are a Japanese business. Their top management is almost all Japanese; one board member is a U.S. Goldman-Sachs banker. Softbank uses mainly Ericsson equipment but some others also," he says. ????Ironically it was a U.S. firm, Clearwire, a Sprint subsidiary, that installed Chinese Huawei equipment in its network that raised the alarm on a commie plot first. Softbank has agreed to rip it all out at a cost to itself of $1 billion. |