????不過,更有意思的或許是米克爾對于移動行業業務前景的描述。移動互聯網僅占互聯網總流量的15%。它意味著,隨著無線設備的日益普及,移動行業仍有巨大的發展空間。目前全球移動互聯網用戶有15億,去年一年就加了4億,或者說增長了30%。最近一種比較流行的觀點認為,移動廣告市場將比傳統互聯網廣告市場更加嚴峻。或許如此吧,但Facebook到目前而為止的表現似乎證明,移動廣告至少在社交媒體環境中是可行的。米克爾稱,Facebook第一季度的總收入增長了43%,而移動收入卻增長了54%。Facebook每一位PC用戶帶來的平均收入有所減少,而移動用戶所帶來的平均收入卻有所增加。米克爾稱:“Facebook的轉型非常成功。” ????移動設備業務仍將飛速增長,尤其是從全球角度來看。米克爾稱:“移動設備的增長受益于新興市場,”其中包括許多令人吃驚的地區,如尼日利亞、伊朗、印尼和菲律賓。 ????同時,我們已經在向新一代平臺轉變,從智能手機和平板電腦向“可穿戴、可駕駛、可飛行和可掃描”的設備轉變,比如谷歌眼鏡、無人駕駛汽車、無人機(米克爾很快補充道:“當然是有益的那種,”)以及用于各種用途的掃描技術,如營養成分標簽、零售付款和旅游等。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪浩 |
????Perhaps more immediately interesting in terms of business prospects, though, was Meeker's description of the mobile market. Mobile still makes up just 15% of Internet traffic. That means there's lots of room for growth as the world continues to port itself to wireless devices. There are now 1.5 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, up by about 400 million in the past year, or a gain of nearly 30%. Until very recently, the popular notion was that mobile advertising would make for a much tougher market even than traditional Internet advertising. And that still might be the case, but Facebook's experience so far seems to show that mobile ads, at least in a social media environment, can work. Facebook's total revenue grew by 43% in the first quarter, Meeker said, while its mobile revenue grew by 54%. Average revenue per Facebook user is down for PC users, and up for mobile users. "They've managed this transition very well," Meeker said. ????The growth of mobile devices will continue apace, particularly from a global perspective. "Emerging markets are really driving a lot of that growth," Meeker said, including in some rather surprising places such as Nigeria, Iran, Indonesia, and the Philippines. ????Meanwhile, we're already seeing the beginnings of the next platform phases, from smartphones and tablets into "wearables, driveables, flyables, and scannables." Those are things like Google Glass, self-driving cars, drones ("of the good kind," Meeker was quick to say), and scanning technology for things like nutrition labels, retail check-out, and travel. |