????黑莓在移動市場節節敗退,其用戶量已跌至蘋果iOS和安卓系統之后,現在甚至落后于微軟公司(Microsoft)的Windows手機操作系統。將業務拓展到其他平臺對于黑莓來說的確是一個不錯的戰略。IDC近期的一份調研報告表明:今年第一季度,谷歌移動操作系統獨領風騷,安卓手機約占全球智能手機市場發貨量的75%。雖然到目前為止安卓終端用戶已經高達9億,但是當它想進入企業用戶市場時,谷歌不容失去任何一個幫手,即使這個幫手來自于像黑莓這樣自身岌岌可危的競爭對手。(財富中文網) ????譯者:默默 |
????Extending to new platforms is a good plan for BlackBerry, whose flailing OS is behind iOS, Android, and now, even Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows Phone. Google's OS leads the pack with about 75% of smartphones shipped in the first quarter of this year, according to a recent report from research firm IDC. But even with a whopping 900 million Android device activations to date, Google needs all the help it can get when it comes to the enterprise -- even if it comes from a flailing rival like BlackBerry. |