


Michal Lev-Ram 2013-05-24

????上周于舊金山舉行的谷歌開發者大會(Google I/O conference)上,安卓(Android)系統相關消息清淡的令人失望。安卓設備針對企業而推出的易用新功能更是寥寥無幾。相反,面向消費者和教育機構的功能都有所改進。不過,雖然谷歌似乎并沒有花大力氣去提高其移動操作系統對于企業IT部門的吸引力,但是其他公司正在紛紛介入,以期填補這一空白。


????除了一些漸進式的改進,谷歌并沒有認真解決其應用程序商店的漏洞,也沒有針對企業用戶增強其開源操作系統的易用性。與此同時,在安卓陣營中一家獨大的三星電子(Samsung)已經加大力度在三星版安卓系統中增添了為企業用戶定制的安全功能。三星企業安全計劃(Samsung Safe for Enterprise)為企業IT部門在設備控制和安全方面提供管理工具,三星KNOX企業解決方案則可幫助用戶隔離辦公數據和個人數據。三星手機是唯一在企業用戶市場占得一席之地(雖然市場份額還較小)的安卓系統設備,這也就不足為奇了。

????上周早些時候,威睿公司(VMware)推出了另一個安卓手機管理工具(這個新軟件允許IT管理員設置密碼和審批應用程序)。曾一度在智能手機市場領先的黑莓公司(BlackBerry)也在上周自己的產品大會上發布了黑莓企業服務軟件的升級版,可為搭載安卓和蘋果iOS操作系統的設備安全護航。黑莓宣稱,這個新的解決方案可保障其他廠商平臺上電子郵件、日歷、聯系人信息、任務、備忘錄、瀏覽以及文檔編輯的安全。它還將允許客戶將應用程序軟件分類,讓企業應用和個人數據保持相互獨立。用戶也不必登錄到虛擬專用網絡 (VPN)就可以安全地傳送或接收數據。


????This week's Google I/O conference in San Francisco was disappointingly light on Android news. And it was especially light on new, enterprise-friendly features for Android devices. Instead, it showed improvements aimed at consumers and education institutions. But while Google may not seem focused on making its mobile operating system more attractive to IT departments, other companies are stepping in to fill the void.

????Android devices have majority market share worldwide, but when it comes to the workplace, Apple's (AAPL) iPhones and iPads still rule. That's at least partly due to security and manageability concerns (not to mention the fragmentation, or many different flavors) of Google (GOOG) devices. According to a recent report from McAfee, an Intel (INTC) company, 97% of malware detected on mobile devices were designed to attack Android.

????Aside from some incremental improvements, Google hasn't gotten serious about fixing the vulnerabilities in its app store and making its open-source OS more friendly to corporate buyers. Meanwhile, Samsung -- the top seller of devices that run on Android -- has stepped up and added enterprise-ready security features in its own version of the operating system. There's Samsung Safe for Enterprise (SAFE), which provides management tools for IT departments to control and secure devices, and KNOX, which separates users' personal and work data. Not surprisingly, Samsung devices are the only Android phones with a somewhat significant -- though still minor -- presence in the workplace.

????Earlier this week, VMware (VMW) launched yet another tool for managing Android phones. The new software lets IT administrators set passwords and approve applications

????And then there's BlackBerry (BBRY). At its own conference, which also took place this week, the once-leading smartphone maker unveiled an updated version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service that extends its security features to Android (and Apple's iOS) devices. BlackBerry says this new solution would secure email, calendar, contacts, tasks, memos, browsing, and document editing for rival platforms. It would also allow customers to "app wrap, " separating between corporate applications and personal content and eliminate the need to log in to a virtual private network (VPN) in order to securely transmit or receive data.

????"Extending BlackBerry security, device, and application management to iOS and Android frees our customers from the need to invest in multiple device management technologies, giving them an easy and cost-effective upgrade path to a solution that supports their entire mobile environment globally," David Smith, EVP of enterprise mobile computing at BlackBerry said in a release.


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