????增長最快的公司排名:第3位 ????CEO:李彥宏 ????總部:北京 ????員工人數:20,877 ????業務:搜索引擎,類似于谷歌 ????百度(Baidu)扎根于中國市場,幸運的是,這是個巨大的市場。作為最好的中文搜索引擎,百度擁有全球最大的互聯網用戶基礎:據中國互聯網網絡信息中心(China Internet Network Information Center)披露,中國網民數量目前已達到5.6億人,平均每周在線時間為20個小時。而美國網絡用戶約為2.47億人。中國不僅是全球最大的互聯網市場,同時也是最具潛力的市場——雖然網民人數已經非常龐大,但仍有許多人還未曾聯網。百度目前擁有70%的市場份額。 ????這種主導地位離不開公司對中國政府嚴格的互聯網審查機制的從善如流。公司創始人兼CEO李彥宏與政府領導層保持著良好的關系。隨著中國互聯網使用的增加,百度的收入也應聲上漲。公司公布2012年收入與利潤均上漲超過50%,并且,除了搜索服務外,百度近幾年增加了一批除搜索之外的服務以吸引用戶。去年11月,百度成為愛奇藝(iQiyi)的最大股東。愛奇藝是一家類似于Hulu的中國視頻網站。目前百度提供的服務包括旅游(去哪兒)、招聘(百度百伯)和在線支付(百付寶)等。(財富中文網) ????翻譯:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????Fastest-growing companies rank: No. 3 ????CEO: Robin Li ????Headquarters: Beijing ????Employees: 20,877 ????The business: Search engine, Chinese equivalent to Google ????Baidu (BAIDU) is a product of its market , and -- luckily for Baidu -- its market is massive. As the Chinese search engine of choice (the equivalent to Google (GOOG, Fortune 500)nearly everywhere else), the company dominates the largest Internet user base in the world: 560 million in China are logged on and spend an average of 20 hours a week online, according to the China Internet Network Information Center. The U.S. has about 247 million Internet users. China is not only the world's largest Internet market but also the one that presents the greatest possibility -- many are online but many, still, are not. And Baidu has 70% market share. ????Its dominance is the result of the company's capitalizing on the Chinese government's strict censorship regulations. Founder and CEO Robin Li has generally played nice with Chinese leadership, and as Internet use in China has increased, so, too, has Baidu's revenues. The company posted increases of more than 50% for both revenues and profits in 2012, and has added a number of services outside of search in recent years to bolster its offering to users. In November, Baidu became the largest owner of iQiyi -- a popular Chinese Hulu-like video-streaming site -- and now offers services in travel (Qunar), recruitment (Baijob), and online payments (BaiduPay). |