為整個公司設立愿景是誰的職責?任先生擔任的是這樣一個角色嗎? ????任先生會出席每個月的董事會會議,他是董事會成員,但是他并不是七人決策團隊中的成員。所以當我們要設立2013年的業務目標和業務計劃時,這些目標和計劃要經董事會批準。所以董事會、七人決策團隊和輪值CEO有不同的職責和權力。 ????當然,任正非仍然是華為的老板,我們也不清楚輪值CEO在自己的任期內究竟有多少權力。不過除了媒體最近關注的新聞以外,華為已經遠非那個向媒體沉默以對的華為了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:樸成奎 |
Whose responsibility is it to set the vision of the company? Is that Mr. Ren's role? ????Mr. Ren will be present in every month's board meeting. He is a member of the board. But he's not among the seven-person decision-making team. So when we had the business objectives and business plan for 2013, they needed to be approved by the board. So there are different obligations and authority for the board, for the seven-person decision-making team and also for the rotating CEO. ????Of course, Ren is still the top dog at Huawei, and it's not clear exactly how much power these rotating acting CEOs have during their tenure. Still, despite the headlines, Huawei has been far from quiet. |