


Lynnley Browning 2013-05-13
今年頭三個月,總共有670多名美國護照持有人放棄了自己的美國國籍。如果最近這個季度的趨勢繼續下去, 2013年將成為人們因稅務問題而告別美國的里程碑式的一年。


????今年1月,馬哈茂德?卡爾扎伊接受了自由歐洲電臺(RFE/RL)分支機構自由阿富汗電臺(Radio Free Afghanistan)的采訪。訪談轉錄文稿顯示,他表示:“我放棄美國護照和美國國籍的原因是,過去12年我一直在阿富汗工作。”他補充說:“我可能會積極投身政治,所以我決定放棄自己的(美國)護照。”筆者暫未聯系到卡爾扎伊就此事發表評論。

????根據3月份全球媒體的報道,卡爾扎伊是阿富汗最大銀行喀布爾銀行(Kabul Bank)的股東,這家丑聞纏身的銀行幾乎因欺詐行為而倒閉。而據伊莎貝爾?蓋蒂的Facebook頁面顯示,她是紐約大學(New York University)的學生。筆者暫未能聯系到她,發送給她母親(一位身在倫敦的電影制片人)的電子郵件也未得到立即回復。(財富中文網)


????Expatriations first picked up pace in 2010, when more than 1,530 Americans dumped their passports. Sparking that uptick, tax lawyers say, was a deal by UBS (UBS), the Swiss bank giant, the year before to disclose more than 4,000 American client names to the I.R.S. and pay a record $780 million for selling offshore services that violated U.S. tax laws.

????In January, Karzai told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Radio Free Afghanistan that "the reason I gave up my U.S. passport and citizenship is that I have been working in Afghanistan for the past 12 years," according to a transcript. He added that "I might become politically active, therefore I decided to give up my [U.S.] passport." Karzai could not immediately be reached for comment.

????Karzai is a shareholder of the scandal-plagued Kabul Bank, Afghanistan's largest bank that nearly collapsed due to fraud, according to global media reports in March. Getty, a student at New York University, according to her Facebook page, could not be immediately reached, and emails to her mother, a filmmaker in London, were not immediately returned.


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