


Kurt Wagner 2013-05-10

????Everbridge的技術現在正扮演著空前重要的角色,這也可以說是一種不幸。去年的桑迪颶風、康涅迪格小學校園槍擊案、奧羅拉槍擊案等自然和非自然災難,早已引起了人們對應急預警平臺的關注。弗吉尼亞理工大學(Virginia Tech University)是Everbridge的客戶之一。2007年,這所大學發生惡性槍擊案,導致33人身亡(包括槍手本人)。隨后,這所大學便采用了Everbridge系統。另外Everbidge公司還宣稱新奧爾良市政府(卡特里娜颶風)、康涅迪格州政府(桑迪胡克小學校園槍擊案)以及洛杉磯國際機場也都是它的客戶。去年十月,颶風桑迪肆虐美國東北部期間,Everbridge的客戶在3天時間里共發送了1,200萬條短信。



????The role of Everbridge's technology is, somewhat unfortunately, more important than ever. Both natural (Hurricane Sandy) and unnatural (Newtown shooting, Aurora theater shooting) disasters in the last year have turned a bright spotlight on the need for emergency alert systems. Virginia Tech University is an Everbridge customer, adopting the system after a 2007 school shooting left 33 dead, including the killer. Everbridge also claims the City of New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina), the state of Connecticut (Sandy Hook Elementary shooting), and Los Angeles's LAX airport as customers. During Hurricane Sandy's rampage on the northeast in October, Everbridge customers sent out a total of 12 million messages in a 3-day period.

????As a resident of Sudbury, Mass., just 23 miles outside of Boston, CEO Ellertson saw his company's system in action from a citizen's standpoint. (His 15-year-old son was just two blocks from the marathon's finish line when the blasts went off.) Everbridge's Boston office was shut down, but its office in Los Angeles handled all of the system's traffic. "We had a flawless performance," says Ellertson. At the end of the week, after Tsarnaev was captured by police in Watertown, the City of Boston had one final Everbridge message to send to its residents: "Thank you."


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