


Stephen Gandel 2013-05-08


????美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)對伯克希爾-哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)年度股東大會進行的一次報道中,沃倫?巴菲特的主要副手芒格表示,他認為美國大銀行仍然太過復雜,可能威脅到美國經濟。他不認為美國參議員謝羅德?布朗和大衛?維特最近提出的提案能解決這個問題,雖然這項提案已經得到其他呼吁加強大銀行管制人士的稱贊。


????芒格的首選方案似乎是更為嚴苛的沃克爾法則;沃克爾法則包含在多德-弗蘭克法案(Dodd-Frank)中,旨在限制銀行的高風險交易,但迄今尚未實施。他希望能強制銀行退出衍生品承銷和交易業務。衍生品指的是可對大宗商品、利率和其他金融標的進行投機(有些人稱之為對沖)的金融合約。大約一年前,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)宣布,一項未按預期發展的信用衍生對沖交易導致該行損失了數十億美元。


????過去一年來,已有一小部分前華爾街高管【包括前花旗(Citigroup)CEO桑迪?威爾】表示,他們支持銀行業務拆分。但對于芒格而言,最值得一提的是他不僅僅是一位金融界資深人士。他還是伯克希爾的最高管理者之一,而這家公司是美國銀行(Bank of America)和富國銀行(Wells Fargo)等美國大銀行的最大投資者之一。


????Add Charlie Munger to the list of top financial executives who think the nation's biggest banks should be broken up.

????In an interview with CNN at Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting, Munger, who is Warren Buffett's chief lieutenant, said he thinks the big banks are still too complicated and dangerous for the economy. But he doesn't think a recently proposed bill by SenatorsSherrod Brown and David Vitter, which has gotten praise from others who want to rein in big banks, is the answer.

????"I think if you increase the capital requirements and let them do what they want, they will just get in trouble again," says Munger.

????Munger's preferred prescription sounds like a stricter version of the Volcker Rule, which was meant to limit risky trading at the banks and was included in Dodd-Frank, but has yet to be implemented. He would force the banks to get out of their business of underwriting and trading derivatives, financial contracts that allow you to speculate, some say hedge, on commodities, interest rates, and other things. About a year ago, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) announced it had lost billions on a credit derivative hedge that had not worked out as expected.

????"I think banks should be more heavily regulated," said Munger. "We shouldn't have vast derivatives books in banks with insured deposits."

????In the past year, there has been a small stream of former top Wall Street executives, including former Citigroup (C) CEO Sandy Weill, who have said they are now for breaking up the banks. What's notable about Munger, though, is that he is not only a financial services veteran. He is also one of the top executives of a company, Berkshire (BRKA), that is one of the largest investors in some of the nation's largest banks, including Bank of America (BAC) and Wells Fargo (WFC).

????Still, Munger seemed to suggest it was the role of the regulators, not big investors, to push for changes. Munger said he and Buffett make investment decisions based on the world they are in, not what they wished it to be, which is fair.


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