????Agloves Sport是一款幫助用戶在編輯手機短信時保暖的產品,出售這樣的產品僅僅是一個開始。Grand St.有幾個正在進行中的合作項目,將生產這個網站獨有的產品。
????Grand St.目前只有8名員工,已積累了5位數的早期客戶。這個數字不算多,不過一旦該網站在今夏放開注冊,客戶數有望進一步增長。Grand St.的長遠目標絕不只是銷售商品這么簡單,它希望切入整個流程的方方面面。公司創始人們憧憬著Grand St.能幫助發明家制造商品,甚至與他們合作發布定制商品,例如Grand St.的特供商品。后者即將成為現實:佩頓表示不少合作伙伴正在進行這方面的工作,今年夏天我們就能看到成果。 ????對于一家剛剛成立8個月的新創企業而言,這個目標相當激進,但巴恩斯不覺得驚訝。巴恩斯說:“一旦阿曼達全神貫注于一件事,她的實力絕對不容小覷。”他當然知道。巴恩斯第一次見到佩頓時,她還是美國麻省理工學院(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的學生,參與過不同的硬件項目,例如半開玩笑的ShakeOnIt項目。它是一副含傳導性織物的聚酯纖維手套,能識別至少9種不同的握手方式。激情無限的佩頓成為麻省理工學院卓越創業獎學金的首位獲獎者。巴恩斯解釋道,“我們樂意支持的正是這樣的企業家:她對某個問題極具熱情,而且愿意想方設法越過、鉆過或是繞過前進路上的任何障礙,不達目的誓不罷休。” ????佩頓承諾會帶來更多創新。首先,她還沒有完全放棄有朝一日弄出一臺《鋼鐵俠》中的超級計算機。“哦,這個可以有!”她開懷大笑道:“真的可以有。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航 |
????So far, the eight-member Grand St. team has amassed an early adopter customer base in the five digits, a modest number that will likely grow further once it exits the invite-only stage this summer. The long-term goal isn't just to vend goods, but get involved in almost every step. Its co-founders envision helping inventors with manufacturing, even partnering with them to release bespoke products, or exclusive Grand St. items. Indeed, the latter will become a reality sooner than later: Peyton says multiple collaborations are already in the works, the results of which could be unveiled by summer. ????That's awfully aggressive for a startup that just rolled out eight months ago, but it's no surprise to Barnes. "When Amanda puts her mind to something, she's a force to be reckoned with," Barnes says. He would know: Barnes first met Peyton when she was a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, toiling on different hardware projects like the tongue-in-cheekShakeOnIt, a pair of polyester gloves with conductive fabric that recognized at least nine different kinds of handshakes. Peyton's zeal made her the inaugural recipient of an MIT fellowship for entrepreneurial excellence. Explains Barnes: "That's the kind of entrepreneur we like to back: somebody who is deeply passionate about a problem and is sort of willing to figure out a way over, under, and around any hurdles that come her way on the way to approaching that north star." ????Peyton promises much more to come. For one, she hasn't totally abandoned the idea of making that Iron Man-esque supercomputer a reality one day. "Oh, it's coming!" she promises, bursting out laughing. "It's coming." |