JP Mangalindan
選擇固態硬盤 ??? 這或許是我們的一廂情愿,但較長的加載時間本就應該成為歷史。(沒錯,說的就是你,Wii U。)快速反應的固態硬盤常被用于筆記本電腦,可以帶來“即開即用”的體驗。對于開發者們而言,這一點將有助于他們存儲自己的游戲作品,而對于用戶而言,他們可以存儲大量視頻、音樂和其他多媒體。 |
Go SSD ??? Call it wishful thinking, but long loading times ought to be a thing of the past. (We're looking at you, Wii U.) A lightning-quick solid state drive, the kind found mostly in laptops, would help in creating an "instant-on" experience for developers who might find it helpful to store portions of their game and users who want to store gigabytes of video, music, and other multimedia. |