9. 杰克?納賽爾 福特汽車公司CEO 1999-2001年 ??? 納賽爾決心重振福特公司,試圖以通用電氣(General Electric)的形象重新打造福特。他把公司重新定位為“消費者公司”,在沃爾沃、路虎等新品牌、經銷商和廢車場等領域斥資數十億。與此同時,他實施了嚴格且不得人心的員工評級體系,以減少員工人數,提高生產效率。不幸的是,他在大衰退的前夕采取措施,還忘記了通用真正的主人是誰,由此鑄下大錯。而為了給他的瘋狂并購收拾爛攤子,福特需要花費將近十年的時間。 |
9. Jac Nasser CEO, Ford Motor Co. 1999-2001 ??? Determined to shake up Ford, Nasser tried to remake the automaker in the image of General Electric, redefining it as a consumer products company and investing billions in new brands like Volvo and Land Rover, dealerships, and junkyards. At the same time, he installed draconian and wildly unpopular employee-rating systems to reduce headcount and improve productivity. Unluckily for Nasser, he made his big moves on the eve of a deep recession and made the mistake of forgetting whose name was on the building. Ford would spend nearly a decade unwinding the residue from his acquisition spree. |