????隨著公司不斷壯大,它的價值也水漲船高。2004年,音響設備及信息娛樂設備制造商哈曼國際集團(Harman International)收購了QNX,不到六年后又將其轉賣給了RIM(Research in Motion,即現在的黑莓公司)。黑莓斥資2億美元收購了它,試圖讓黑莓深陷困境的智能手機業務重振旗鼓。QNX并未透露具體營收情況,但2012年,“軟件及其他收入”僅占黑莓185億美元總收入的3%。當然,對黑莓來說,QNX從來沒被當成是一棵搖錢樹——它的價值主要體現在為公司最新款手機和平板電腦提供的黑莓10操作系統。上個月,黑莓以去年第四財季9,400萬美元的利潤讓分析師大吃一驚。公司搭載黑莓10操作系統的全新Z10智能手機的出貨量也達到了100萬臺。 ????盡管初戰告捷,但要說清QNX對黑莓智能手機和平板電腦的長期影響還為時尚早。目前,這個領域當然還是由搭載谷歌(Google)Android和蘋果(Apple)iOS系統的手機把持,以致一度叱咤風云的黑莓如今只能是在夾縫中求生存。黑莓10今年1月才剛推出,而黑莓的最新手機黑莓Z10還沒在美國上市。而在汽車業,盡管其他對手,如正與福特公司(Ford)合作的微軟開發的Sync系統也確實發出了挑戰,但QNX還是牢牢把控著市場。科斯洛夫斯基預計,其他主要對手如iOS和Android可能也并沒有被拉開太大的差距。 ????而眼下,QNX只管埋頭致力于創新。它之前已經為消費者提供了更為精巧的地圖技術,現在,QNX的工程師正將汽車儀表板技術推向未來。對此庫恩不愿透露更多細節,只是調侃道:“我們現在為2017年車型開發的技術甚至讓我們自己也大吃一驚。”太吊人胃口了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠 |
????As the company evolved, so too did its value. In 2004, Harman International, a manufacturer of audio and infotainment equipment, purchased QNX, shopping it again less than six years later to mobile phone manufacturer Research in Motion (now BlackBerry). BlackBerry purchased the software company for $200 million in an attempt to recharge the brand's ailing smartphone lineup. QNX won't divulge revenues, but "software and other revenue" made up just 3% of the company's $18.5 billion in total revenues in fiscal 2012. Of course, QNX is not billed as a cash cow for the phone manufacturer -- its value lies in the BlackBerry 10 OS it provides for the company's latest phones and tablets. BlackBerry surprised analysts last month by posting profits of $94 million in the fourth quarter. The company also shipped one million new Z10 smartphones boasting the BlackBerry 10 OS. Despite early success, it's too soon to tell what kind of long-term impact QNX will have on BlackBerry smartphone and tablet sales. The field is of course dominated by devices running Google (GOOG) Android and Apple (AAPL) iOS systems, leaving a once dominant BlackBerry device fighting for its life. BlackBerry 10 was only unveiled in January, and BlackBerry's newest phone, BlackBerry Z10, has yet to reach the U.S. market. On the auto front, QNX appears to have a much firmer grasp of the market, although other players, including Microsoft which is working with Ford (F) on its Sync system, are certain to offer a challenge. Other major operating systems like iOS and Android may not be far behind, predicts Koslowski. ????For now, QNX is simply looking to innovate. Some of the more sophisticated mapping technology is already available to consumers, and QNX engineers are planning out our dashboards years into the future. With specific details under wraps, Kuhn will only offer up a tease: "Some of what we are working on right now for the 2017 model year," he says, "is even blowing our minds." Just enough to lure you in. |