


Verne Kopytoff 2013-03-27


????“基礎之作”這個詞用來形容谷歌這次挺進筆記服務領域推出的產品最合適不過。 Keep是谷歌在線存儲服務Drive的組成部分,設計簡潔,有語音文本轉化和分享功能。但和一些對手相比,它缺少一些功能,比如給筆記分類,設置提醒。而且只有安卓4.0或更高版本的設備在網上才能使用。谷歌一向以推出乞丐版產品,隨后不斷改進而著稱。不過最近,它還有了另外一個名聲,就是斃掉那些不好用的產品,搞得用戶焦頭,信心渙散。實際上,這已經是谷歌第二次試水筆記領域了。就在去年,它剛廢掉Keep的上一代產品Notebook。(財富中文網)



????Basic is the best word to describe Google's foray into note taking, which is part of its Drive online storage service. Keep has a simple design and offers voice to text transcription and sharing. But compared with some rivals, it lacks some functions like the ability to categorize notes and set an alarm for reminders. It is also only available on Android 4.0 devices or higher and through the Web. Google has a reputation for introducing skeletal products and then improving them over time. But more recently, it has also developed a reputation for killing products that don't work out, which doesn't exactly build confidence among users who have been burned. In fact, this is Google's second try at note taking after killing a previous effort, Notebook, last year.


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