


JP Mangalindan 2013-03-26

????艾米?安德森最近和一位風險投資家約了一次會。她的一個朋友幫她安排了好幾場相親,這只是其中的一場。光看介紹,這人好像還真不賴:30多歲的年紀,風趣幽默,外表英俊,體格健壯。他們是在舊金山太平洋高地的哈利酒吧(Harry's Bar)見的面,這個用櫻桃木裝修的酒吧是體育愛好者喜歡去的地方。但當他們坐下開始聊天之后,這個夜晚的氣氛就變得不那么讓人愉快了。金發碧眼的美人兒安德森解釋說:“他東看看,西看看,一直在打量其他對象。”當安德森問他在干什么時,他笑道自己在尋找“BBD”——也就是更大、更好的生意,就這次約會而言,就是個更棒的女人?!斑@可把我嚇壞了。”

????這種令人發指的故事可能并不稀奇,但就安德森這個例子來說,卻有一些正面啟發。這位36歲的創業家創立了Linx Dating。這是一家位于門羅帕克的婚姻介紹所。成立十年來,她在技術公司高管、創業家、投資者和公關專家當中贏得了這么一個名聲:當代硅谷紅娘。她的750位“活躍”客戶——也就是最近兩年內注冊的個人用戶——包括來自各大科技公司的員工,比如蘋果(Apple)、Facebook、谷歌(Google)、亞馬遜(Amazon)、甲骨文(Oracle)、Salesforce。他們中間既有二十歲出頭的創業者,也有六十多歲的退休技術高管和投資人。他們有可能和目前并未積極尋找約會對象的250多個客戶配對,或者 和安德森數據庫里的19,000多人交友。數據庫里的人既有別人推薦來的,也有注冊了Linx Dating的通訊郵件或是參加交友會的用戶。她的活躍客戶中,至少有90個人現在建立了正式的情侶關系,其中38人結了婚(而且沒人離婚)。





????Amy Andersen was on a date. It was one of several with a venture capitalist that a friend had set her up with. On paper, he seemed ideal: mid-30s, funny, good-looking, athletic. But as they saddled up at Harry's Bar, a cherrywood-lined sports haunt in San Francisco's Pacific Heights, the evening took a wrong turn. "He was looking around the room and surveying," she explains. When Andersen, a striking blonde, asked him what he was doing, he smiled and confessed he was scouting for the "BBD:" the bigger, better deal, or in this case, woman. "I was horrified."

????Such horror stories may be commonplace, but in Andersen's case, something positive came out of it. The 36-year-old entrepreneur founded Linx Dating, a Menlo Park-based matchmaking service. And in the decade since, she's fashioned a reputation among tech executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and publicists as a modern-day Silicon Valley yenta. Her 750 "active" clients -- individuals who have signed up just within the last two years -- include employees of companies such as Apple (AAPL), Facebook (FB), Google (GOOG), Amazon (AMZN), Oracle (ORCL), Salesforce (CRM) and run from early twenty-something entrepreneurs to retired tech execs and investors in their sixties. Those clients may be potentially paired up with the 250-plus clients who aren't actively seeking a date at the moment or the 19,000 additional people in Andersen's database, a mix of referrals and people who signed up for the company's newsletter or mixers. Of her active clients, at least 90 are in exclusive relationships, and 38 are now married. (None have divorced.)

????Her services aren't for the cash-strapped. A basic plan may cost $2,500, while a customized V.I.P. service starts at $50,000. The former nets an unspecified number of introductions over the next two years. The latter adds a slew of extras, including wardrobe shopping and long lessons in proper social etiquette. "They have the resources -- they have everything lined up in their life, academically and professionally speaking -- but not the social resources, or in some cases, the social graces to meet the right one," says Andersen.

????In the case of one V.I.P., a divorced twenty-something coder at a gaming company with extreme social anxiety, Andersen spent 16 hours coaching him. They tossed his ratty jeans and smelly sneakers and bought new outfits. She walked him through a mock-date scenario, prepped him with talking points, taught him how to maintain eye contact, even how to properly hug vs. a stiff slap on the back. And because he rides a bike to work, she arranged for a car service to pick up his date.

????In many ways, Linx is the antithesis of online dating services like Match.com and OkCupid, a $1.2 billion industry that has transformed the way people court. While online is now the second-most popular way couples meet, Andersen argues that in many situations, a matching algorithm, like the one OkCupid employs, doesn't cut it. Online may help some, but deter others, fostering a pick-and-choose shopping philosophy that someone better is a click away or just around the corner.

????It's this so-called BBD mentality that Andersen dislikes. "When I sometimes work with clients, I have to retrain them," she explains. "I have to tell them to slow down their thinking, especially when they've become very used to that high-volume, grass-is-always-greener sort of mentality where it's quantity over quality." Explaining that difference, how the advantages of her services trump online, can be challenging. But Andersen finds many of the clients who come to her have either become disillusioned by their online misadventures or, in the case of many tech types who work long hours, seek a more hands-on approach.


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