吉他英雄 ????伴著經典搖滾樂曲隨意彈奏一把假吉他,同時還能在一個名為“吉他英雄”的視頻游戲中拿分——未來的年輕人可能永遠也不會懂得其中的樂趣。這款游戲的開發商Activision公司2011年關掉了“吉他英雄”部門,終止了原先計劃好的系列游戲的開發工作。“吉他英雄”于2005年首度面世,隨后推出了一系列后續作品,很快就成為轟動一時的熱銷游戲。但是這家公司最終還是衰落了,因為市面上涌現了太多這類音樂游戲,公司也無法從音樂產業那里獲得熱門單曲的使用授權。 |
Guitar Hero ????Future adolescents will likely never know the pleasure of strumming a fake guitar to the strains of classic rock -- all the while scoring points in a Guitar Hero video game. The game's publisher, Activision (ATVI), closed its Guitar Hero division in 2011 and stopped development of a planned sequel. Guitar Hero, initially released in 2005, quickly emerged as a blockbuster as did several of its follow-up titles. But the franchise eventually faded because of an excess of music-based games in the market and an inability to license hit songs from the music industry. |