????夏普在日本本土平板市場上無法激起一點波瀾,這可能算是日本平板界最大的悲劇了。盡管大肆造勢,但原計劃銷售上百萬臺、名為“大龜群島”(Galapagos)的系列平板在推出的頭10個月里卻只賣出了3萬臺。失敗的根源在于定價過高,名字滑稽搞笑——算是給日本“島國”精神的一個玩笑式的獻禮。上市后不過幾年功夫,這個玩笑就過氣了。2010年,夏普大批下架“大龜群島”,損失慘重。 ????兩次圍繞平板電腦的大戰中,日本的技術精英們都踴躍參戰,但這一次他們似乎決心不再受人擺布,拱手稱臣。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠 |
????Sharp's failure to ignite even a small spark in the domestic tablet market is probably the most tragic of Japan's tablet tales. Its range of tablets dubbed Galapagos, expected to sell in the millions, achieved only 30,000 sales in the first 10 months, despite enormous hype. The devices were victims of their high price and a joke name -- made in a tongue-in-cheek tribute to Japanese "insular" genius. A few years later and the joke has turned sour. Sharp pulled its Galapagos tablets off shelves amidst huge losses in 2010. ????As Japan's technological powerhouses gear up for round two of the tablet wars, they seem determined not to be outmaneuvered this time. |