


JP Mangalindan 2013-03-04
Nasty Gal這家初創企業的休閑時裝風格可能并不適合每個人,但是它非同尋常的發展速度實在讓人驚訝。而它的創始人敢愛敢恨的鮮明個性和征服時尚圈的野心更是令人贊嘆。

????對于這家公司28歲的創始人兼首席執行官來說,獲得這些成功并不容易。阿莫魯索白手起家的故事已經成為傳奇。創辦Nasty Gal網站之前,阿莫魯索從一所社區學院輟學,總共做過10份零售業工作。她在鮑德斯公司(Borders)打過工,在舊金山銷售過高檔皮鞋。阿莫魯索回憶說:“走進店里的女顧客看起來很可怕。我賣的是500美元的皮鞋,每小時只有12美元薪水,這種金錢上的對比令人尷尬?!痹?2歲的時候,她開始在eBay上出售經典服飾。她從網站上用便宜的價格收購衣服,然后以高達5倍的價格轉賣給別人。她在2008年創辦了Nastygal.com網站。

????成立四年半以來,Nasty Gal成長為一家真正的企業,擁有近300名員工。阿莫魯索獲得了固執和直率的名聲,這并不令人感到驚訝。她在商務社交網站LinkedIn上認識了ShoeDazzle網站的首席財務官德博拉?本頓,本頓現在擔任Nasty Gal網站的總裁。這家公司去年秋天發布了一年兩期的印刷雜志,刊登了著名時尚攝影師特里?理查德森拍攝的照片。去年秋天這家公司設計的時裝系列中,有件售價128美元的長裙成為最暢銷的款式,賣出了600件。

????現在,Nasty Gal網站三分之一的收入來自加拿大、英國和澳大利亞,阿莫魯索的獨家品牌在這些市場找到了熱心的顧客。本頓說:“她了解女性的時尚消費方式,無論是商品內容還是電子商務。她了解女性如何熟練運用移動設備進行在線購物,她對社交媒體有真正的理解。”阿莫魯索依然極其節儉。在最近好萊塢巨頭創新藝人經紀公司(Creative Artists Agency)舉行的營銷座談會上,她似乎不太關心聽眾的想法,而是更擔心她是否能夠得到免費停車位。


????It hasn't been easy getting there for the company's 28-year-old founder and CEO. Amoruso's rags-to-riches story is already semi-legend. Before Nasty Gal, Amoruso was a community college drop-out who had roughed a total of 10 retail jobs, from a stint at Borders to peddling luxury shoes in San Francisco. "The women who'd come in were just pretty awful," recalls Amoruso. "Selling $500 shoes when you make $12 an hour is just an awkward economic juxtaposition." When she was 22, she began selling vintage clothes on eBay, snapping them up on the cheap from the site and reselling them to others at prices up to five times as much. She started Nastygal.com in 2008.

????In the four-and-a-half years since, Nasty Gal has become a real business, staffed by nearly 300 employees. Not surprisingly, Amoruso has a reputation as tenacious and direct. She met ShoeDazzle COO Deborah Benton on LinkedIn and, now, Benton is Nasty Gal's president. The company launched a biannual print magazine last fall, featuring photos by famed fashion photographer Terry Richardson. A piece from last fall's in-house collection, the $128 black Network Dress, became a best seller and sold 600 units.

????About one-third of Nasty Gal's revenues now come from Canada, the U.K., and Australia, where Amoruso's distinct brand has also found an eager audience. "She knows how women want to consume fashion whether it's content or commerce," says Benton. "She knows how fluent women are with mobile devices and shopping online, and she truly understands social media." Amoruso also remains extremely frugal. After a recent marketing panel hosted by Hollywood powerhouse the Creative Artists Agency, she appeared less concerned about the audience and more worried about whether she'd gotten her parking validated.

????What's next? "The universe," deadpans Amoruso. She's not kidding. When she's not renovating her home or hanging out with her boyfriend and poodle, Donna Summer, Amoruso dreams up ways to open up the brand even further. "How to party with them on our website, 24 hours a day is the idea I'd like to make a reality," she confesses.


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