Michael Lev-Ram

奧多比收購Behance 時間:2012年12月 原因:Behance的在線產品主要面向攝影師等創意人員,已擁有超過100萬忠心耿耿的會員。 整合方案:奧多比將Behance的社交功能融入自己的創意云中,這是一款面向創意人員的軟件訂閱服務。 風險:奧多比是創意軟件業的翹楚,但在社交領域,它才剛剛上路。 收購金額:(估計)1億至1.5億美元 ????譯者:項航 |
Adobe buys Behance When: December 2012 Why: Behance's online portfolios for creative types, such as photographers, developed a loyal following of more than 1 million members. How it's being integrated: Adobe(ADBE) will fold this site's social features into Creative Cloud, its subscription-based software service for creatives. Risk: Adobe is a powerhouse when it comes to design software, but it is still building its social features. Amount: $100 million to $150 million (estimated) |