
????差旅及報銷軟件供應商Concur遇到麻煩了,它發現不少用戶正在轉投別處。許多人選擇了面向個人用戶的網站制定差旅計劃。這些網站不但免費,而且更容易上手。所以,位于華盛頓州雷德蒙德市的Concur痛定思痛,開始收購針對主流人群的應用和網站,試圖向它們學習。2011年,Concur耗資1.2億美元收購了行程管理應用程序開發商TripIt。去年11月,Concur又宣布向提供類似服務的新創企業投資1.5億美元。無獨有偶,為了留住用戶,其它企業軟件開發商也都在競購用戶友好型軟件。【思科(Cisco)是個例外,它剝離了絕大部分個人消費者業務?!恳韵率且恍┛胺Q業界風向標的收購交易。 |
????Concur (CNQR), the maker of travel and expense-report software, knows that some of its users have been unfaithful. Many have turned to free -- and simpler -- consumer-oriented sites to book business travel. So the company, based in Redmond, Wash., is taking cues from apps and websites aimed at the mainstream -- by buying them. It shelled out $120 million for trip-planning app TripIt in 2011 and, this past November, announced a $150 million fund to invest in similar startups. Concur isn't alone. Other enterprise-software giants are racing to acquire user-friendly software in hopes of keeping customers from turning elsewhere. (One exception? Cisco(CSCO, Fortune 500), which has divested itself of most of its consumer businesses.) Here are some bellwether acquisitions. |

Vmware收購SlideRocket 時間:2011年4月 原因:SlideRocket的軟件與PowerPoint很像,當時已有25萬用戶使用該軟件制作了1,000多萬張演示文稿。 整合方案:Vmware此前已經收購了電子郵件軟件開發商Zimbra,而SlideRocket是對這宗收購的補充。 風險:演示文稿并不是虛擬化巨頭Vmware的核心業務。收購SlideRocket最終可能被證明純屬畫蛇添足。 收購金額:未披露 |
VMware buys SlideRocket When: April 2011 Why: At the time of the acquisition, some 250,000 people had created more than 10 million online presentations using SlideRocket's PowerPoint-like software. How it's being integrated: SlideRocket is now a supplement to another VMware (VMW) acquisition, e mail provider Zimbra. Risk: Presentations aren't central to the virtualization giant's core business. SlideRocket could end up a questionable afterthought. Amount: Undisclosed |